Derek C. has very kindly sent me links to blogs about OHSW.

I relist them here:

Grid Based Wargaming - Some One Hour Skirmish Wargaming

Dale's Wargames - part 1

Dale's Wargames - part 2

Dale's Wargames - follow up with author :)

Amazon reviews:

29 October 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

28 October 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

31 December 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

6 November 2018
Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase

I also understand there is a stinker of a review of Miniature Wargames by a wargamer who is very dischuffed with me. :)

Probably worth a read before you spend your money. Sometimes, you can learn more about a piece of art from those who hate it than from those who love it.....although the latter is good for writer's egos.

Ah well, one can't be all things to all people.

Good Reads Review

 5.00  ·  Rating details ·  2 ratings  ·  1 review
Many wargamers enjoy the challenge of skirmish games where, instead of the strategy of vast armies portrayed by traditional wargames, the focus is on the tactics of a small unit. However, skirmish rules are often so complex that it can take hours of rolling dice, consulting tables and recording data to recreate what would in reality be a fast and furious firefight lasting just minutes. Now these new rules make it possible to recapture the speed and intensity of these actions where every man, and every second, counts. The basic rules are supported by sections which give special rules and scenarios to capture the flavor of a range of different periods, from Napoleonic to Modern Warfare and beyond with Sci-Fi. From the 95th Rifles scouting for Wellington, Western gunfights and WWI trench raids, through WW2 parachute assaults or Special Forces strikes in Afghanistan, or even Space Marines storming a space station, Squad Firefights elegantly simple system allows you to focus on proper tactical decisions rather than rolling buckets of dice or calculating masses of modifiers.

I have noticed that if an author does something new and different you get either 5 stars, from people who like novelty, and one star, from people who equate it with heresy. I like to strip down systems to their core and scrape the barnacles off and then see what you have left.

One little note. This system took rather longer than an afternoon to develop - ten years in fact. It is a counter-intuitive fact that a simple game takes longer to develop than a complex one. Complexity hides what doesn't work but every single blemish stands out in a simple system.

"Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n'ai pas eu le
loisir de la faire plus courte." Blaise Pascal, 1657

I remember Fall of the West provoking the same response.

A happy New Year to all - even those who loathe my books.

John Lambshead