I'm back from a holiday bout with bronchitis and thought I'd start with Avatars of War.  The Dwarf Slayer statue is the first of their 3D printfile offerings.

The website is a little unusual in the way it handles this sort of product and it took me a few days to figure it out... they handle it mostly like their physical products in that they check product availability etc via several emails instead of just having it in a cart for instant download.  I'm sure they'll sort that if they continue down the file sales road.

 The model printed well on the Snapmaker at high resolution.  It printed in three sections which fit together very well.  Printing it in three sections means that its easily handled by even the most petite of print beds... which, as a Snapmker user, I'm particulary happy about.

I printed in PLA this time without supports and did zero cleanup before assembling and painting.  As the temperatures here have been hovering around -4 F I was unable to spray primer it and used a brush on of thinned craft paint.  Sealing will have to wait for a warmer day.

Here is a scale comparison with reliable Canoness Verydian.

The work up was Thinned craft paint gray base, dry-brush with Concrete (Reaper), dry-brush with white craft paint, wash the dragon with Green-Black (Secret Weapon), wash the rest of the model with Steel Wash (Reaper) dry- brush all with white craft paint.  Reds are Forge World Weathering Powders: Dark Rust, Light Rust, Orange Rust.

Here are a couple of shots of the raw print.  I've become a fan of painting the black PLA for fast paints and bulk because it holds paint well and doesn't really require primer for paint adherence.  The material is a bit shiny so I like to hit it with a thin coat of primer or paint just to take the sheen off the high spots... the crevices tend to get covered during the paint process and are not shiny if a spot is missed.

 Some other things from the table... more bats from a recently rediscovered Kickstarter bonus pack for The Order of Vampire Hunters.  There is a hug pile of models just wrapping up from this pack for the next post.
Lastly an updated Lady of Destiny from the first Heresy Girls Kickstarter.  After looking at the photos I thought she was a little too Ultra Marine so I went back to extend the yellow trim to make her a bit more chaos ornate.