The latest unit painted for Victoria Miniatures complete with the shotguns and their dusters are the Sandor Rad Hounds!  Here they are on the website:

These coats were very similar to the Bolt Action winter Soviets that I painted for an earlier Army Painter series.  While the overall color is tan, I attempted to work in greens in some areas of darker tones.  This gives a little more depth and interest to those shadow areas.

There was also much more of the copper metals required to match the color scheme I had to work from.  Such is the case when doing commission pieces... you have to stick with "but also reinterpret at times" what is required.

All of the figures you have seen here on the blog and the video tutorials will be on display in the giant display cabinet which Victoria usually sets up at Adpeticon.  Come into the vendor's hall and check that out!!! :-)

I have done a of these squads as Tutorial series, which you can find on my YouTube Channel: