The painting for Blackstone Fortress is complete! I had a good time painting them, very nice sculpts with crisp detail. Today let's look at the Bad Guys.

With the starting lineup of adversaries, the Traitor Guardsmen are numerous and belligerent. Two squads of seven give a great variety of poses and weapons. The Flamer can be quite deadly as can the Grenadier. Best to cleanse them all with fire.

Spindle Drones are (probably) native to the Fortress and get madder the more of them you kill.
Best to let UR-025 have its way with them.

Negavolt Cultists are another new creation for the game, and they are unpleasant "people".
Best to purge them from a distance.

The Ur Ghuls infestation is a classic example of what happens when you bring pets along on a picnic and then leave them behind. Best to cull the pack with fire.

Chaos Beastmen (as opposed to the "good" kind) are very smelly and dangerous.
Best to target and eliminate first.

Rogue Psykers can negatively affect your team from anywhere on the map.
Best to eradicate these floating abominations as fast as possible.

And most foul and dangerous of all, Chaos Lord Obsidius Mallex and his two Chaos Marines. Best to concentrate fire early and often.

Tomorrow a quick look at the Explorers!

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And Make A Board Game Better