In the wake of all the World Eaters semi-monochomatic armor, I felt the need to break out some different colors. Right around the same time GW released the most recent wave of Genestealer Cult models which are all amazing - Though I have no intention of doing a full-on 40k army of 'em, I had to paint 'em, and what better way to justify a bunch of character models than by working them into a new Genestealer Cult gang for Necromunda?

Following Adepticon I'm planning on running a Necromunda campaign for a group of friends, and have been working up a number of miscellaneous bad guys, critters, monsters and mutants for use in special scenarios, and one of the 'storylines' I have planned is a cult uprising which the various players can attempt to stop (or align with, depending on how things play out). Should be fun!

Definitely went a little more colorful on these guys than recent projects, and varied somewhat from my usual 'three colors' idea. Blue and yellow always set off nicely against each other, while the red and white offer up a separate contrast (and the red sets off against the blue and yellow as well). Most of the red cloaks/coats will be getting a spiral motif (hence the cult name) in white/silver, which whould hopefully look pretty neat!

Still a ways to go, but they're well on the path!