It's my birthday coming up and I want to play a new Battle Company with my brother and some adjusted rules. So I have to get cracking on my hobbit painting!

Here's the first four - the archers

I began by spray painting them all white (I usually do black, but I wanted brighter colours).

We (my son and I) decided to make a couple of the hobbits a little different. I had an old Sam and Frodo at Mount Doom. They look very disheveled so we decided that maybe they were just a little under the weather from all their drinking. These two hobbits have been nicknamed the "Cheers" hobbits.

The Lobelia model is going to be our leader - Raging Rose of Rose's Ragers (or something).

I used some filler to go over all the bases.

Then got on to putting a single layer on them. I've chosen just a few colours, blue, green, brown and cream. Oh, and grey. 

Now they've had a wash...

Up the back you can see a couple of other miniatures. We saw them at the shop and thought, why not! A couple of rangers or something.

And from here on I'm just finishing them off. The four archers show the technique. Once they're base coated and washed it's just a matter of doing the highlights and putting some grass on the bases. I've not based using anything other than grey sand before, so this was kinda fun!