And, of course, there are a host of other characters that have to come with a Hobbit Battle Company so here are a horn blower, the Lobelia model who will actually be the leader of our battle company, Rose (Raging Rose), the Paladin Took model and the Fatty Bolger model, who we will be calling Cooper. Why Cooper? We'll get there in a second!

And then we have a couple of slightly sozzled hobbits and the old Bilbo model, who we're calling Wiseman (his weapon is a big heavy book).

Because the world may be a dangerous place, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't stop and enjoy some fine drink!

Cooper is well known for making barrels, and, well, he fills them up with the good stuff! The Frodo model that was holding the ring ready to drop it into Mount Doom is now bumping tankards with his good mate Jolly Wilcom. The Sam model who used to look exhausted is now a very disheveled hobbit with a large (mostly empty) skin of XXX drink tucked under his arm.

So I think that's most of the hobbits I've painted so far. I've got a few more nearly finished, but I have enough for the start of my Battle Company and hope to have the first game on Saturday! Maybe tomorrow or Friday I'll take a pic of Rose's Ragers ready to go!