My job takes me to Knoxville TN each week but rarely do I have any free time to do anything fun. Last week was a rare exception and I was able to stop in at the Warhammer store in Turkey Creek. It had been years since I was last there, so I was overdue to pop in.

Welcome back to Turkey Creek!
After having a fun conversation with Mark, the Manager, I got to look thru their stock  of audio/dramas  books but before I could make my selection he invited me over to watch a demo. He was about to show one of the guys how to make blood splatters look more convincing using Citadel's Blood For The Blood God Techincal Paint.

Mark sizes up his target...

He had clearly put some thought into the way blood would splash back on a guy bringing down a heavy axe on a foe, and gave us a pretty convincing theory on why it would splash back in a particular way. So he picked up an already prepared Khorne guy, determined the angle of splash, held up a brush full of Blood For The Blood God Techinical Paint before the miniature, and with a mighty puff blew the paint onto the model.

The splattered berserker.

And with that, it was done! He uses this technique in lieu of a traditional splatter method as it created less splotches and a more 'stringy' effect with the blood. I thought it was nifty and simple myself, and I may try it sometime as I tend to paint the stuff on in a sort of stippling manner which I am usually OK with.

Anyway, just a fun thing I wanted to pass along. It's always fun visiting an official Games Workshop store and to chat with strangers who are as into this hobby as much, if not more, than I am. Hopefully I can make it down there to cover Armies On Parade this year...