Finally the Ambull returns to the Grimdark. A whole lot bigger than the two-part lead figure from aeons past. Deadly on the table and poisonous in real life!
The new figure is easy to assemble and fun to paint, once you settle on the color scheme. That is always the toughest part for me, keep to the box art or do something else? I have seen some fantastic paint jobs across a range of color combinations. In the end, I did a slight variant of the box model.

It earns its "Dreaded" moniker, as it is a terror in combat in Blackstone Fortress. The missions it (and the pair of Borewyrms) come with are well done, and a good addition to Blackstone.

I hope it gets sold separately with rules for it in Kill Team! Maybe as a kind of wandering monster, or if you have a few, some kind of monster hunt?

Go Roll Some Dice
And Always Look Behind You