New models, new size concerns! At least for me. Now that I have my hands on, and have put together, the new Chaos figs, let's see how they size up to the old ones.

That is an olde tyme metal Chaos Terminator (a bit customized) and his newer Chaos Lord replacement. Just a bit of a  size difference.

Thankfully, the new plastic Terminators (far right) blend in just about seamlessly with the older ones. They are slightly taller, but not really noticeable unless you are looking closely.

The new Obliterator is much larger than the old metal lumps. Mixing the squads would look at bit off for me. They are bigger than the new CSM so using the metal guys as a stand alone squad would still look fine.

Not a direct replacement, the new Greater Possessed is taller and bulkier than the "standard" possessed, and will stand out as they should. I enjoy the new fluff on how the Greater Possessed are a waypoint on the way to Daemon Pricedom.
And speaking of the older Possessed, they are fine next the the New CSM. It will look even better after I re-base then on 32mm bases.

Let The Galaxy Burn!
Now I need a Lot of Black Paint