Well, when I say 'new army', I mean I've started a new version of an existing army. The new Chaos models were just too good to resist, but rather than another Tzeentch force, I thought I'd sample the Slaaneshi side of things.

This army will have a very wild colour scheme, based on the unique scheme from the specialist noise marine model (Who will play a role in this force too). It'll either be run as an Emperor's Children force or Renegades.

Noise marines have always been an interesting unit choice, and with decent enough rules they will eventually form the core of my force. At this stage I only have the Shadowspear models, but I aim to add more.

This will mainly be a "rule of cool" force than a competitive armylist, but I do aim to have some good performing units mixed in.  Initial impressions are that Oblits are pretty good this edition. My next plan is to create a 750/1000pts list to get me testing the strengths and weaknesses.