I managed to survive Adepticon and had an absolute blast! Tons of work piled up while I was away however and I haven't had time to upload all the thoughts and pictures from the event. That doesn't mean I haven't gotten any hobby time in though! One of the things I'd picked up in the dealer room while out in Chicago was the primarch of the World Eaters, Angron! I couldn't wait to get stuck in with him, and I had a blast painting him up!

 In looking at the pictures one always finds things to improve. At this blown-up scale the freehand work is pretty ropy, I'm thinking I need to go back over them with some weathering to cover some of the more egregious sloppy bits and give them a bit more hammered and beaten look, but overall I'm quite pleased with how this mentalist turned out!

Hoping to get a post-adepticon pic dump up soon, turns out I took over 200 pictures so it's taking a bit to go through 'em!