My painting subjects remain uniformly chaotic so today will feature the Prime Mover for an Airport Baggage Handler Vehicle.

This printed as six parts: Hull, undercarriage, and wheels (x4).  probably about three hours of print time total but I've been really sloppy about tracking that... improvements for the future!

Size wise... it looks like its a tiny bit on the large side but its a print so that is scale-able if it really bugs me... I can always describe this larger one as an ammo load mover or something similar.

 I experimented with some "Chipping Fluid" for the first time and its pretty interesting stuff.  Basically you prime, or paint, the model then paint on chipping fluid were you would like the chipped effect then, when dry, paint the top color(s) let dry then re-moisten and tap or scratch at the areas you want to chip off to show the underlying paint.  It'll take some practice but seems like a pretty effective technique.
 Left is the underlayer.  I did much more than the areas to be chipped so I could practice making effective rust textures to reveal...  I may print another one to do as a burnt out hulk since I kinda like how the base layer turned out.

Models included for scale are Anvil Industries Traveling Salesman (This is a guess really I've fogotten where I got him and can't seem to locate it on the net), GW's Canoness Veridyan, Heresy Girls Sniper (Black Pheonix), Twsited's Tink, and Varaseesh the Venomous from Raging Heroes.

 The Skiff is pretty substantial with four gun ports... that is a sturdy skiff! I still have the fittings to paint but I'll wait for that until I get some dowels for the masts... yar! a two masted skiff!  Sturdy indeed! I'll want to make the rigging break down-able for transport and storage so that'll be interesting.
Due to the limited print area of my Snapmaker this is printed in three sections with magnets to keep it together during play.

I'm really interested to print the larger ships from this project (Rampage Lost Islands Kickstarter) but am waiting for the Snapmaker's new print area expansion (Z-Axis Expansion Module) to become available before heading down that rabbit hole!

I'm also making progress on getting the place ready for our next relocation and should have another update on the Tabletop World Fisherman's House soon.  Also on the desk Raging Heroes Executrix Command, The Order of Vampire Hunters Kickstarter exclusives, Tabletop World Wizard's Tower, Kingdom Death, Twisted, and more...

Back to the desk!