Well, we are a third of the way through the year, and it seems like a good time to look at my resolutions to see how I'm doing.  This year has been off to a rough start- a couple of illnesses, a lot of house work that needed to get done.  With that said, I haven't given up quite yet.  I am working to refocus, and I believe I'll still accomplish most of these, if not all.  So, I want to at least see what my current status is, and assess from there.

Here are my resolutions:

Get 15 painting points - I have currently gotten zero, but I have managed to put a few layers of paint onto a unit of Gatormen Posse and I think if I focus, I could get them done soon.  That would put me at about 10 points, I think, and then I can look for what's next.  I definitely think I can manage this.

Reduce my number of unplayed games by 10 - This is not going well.  I believe I am basically negative three in this column, but I have a bunch of quick games I can play, so I'll see if I can't get it under control.

Play 50 games of Warmachine/Hordes - I have managed to play ten games so far, which is far below where I should be.  That puts me on pace for about thirty games played, which is pretty good, but not where I want to be.  I can manage one game a week from here on out, I'm sure, but I'm going to have to find some weeks where I can get more than one game in if I want to hit my goal.

Read 18 books - I am currently at 12 books read this year, so I am quite healthily on pace.  I feel good about this one.

Lose 25 pounds - I am going slow here.  Again, been sick, but I still have managed to lose another two pounds.  I think I will be okay now I am healthy again, and my wife is healthy again, and we are both motivated to lose weight.

So, overall, not great, but I think I will be okay if I just stay focused.  Will post again in a few more months with my progress!