Full speed ahead on Necromunda these days, and the next project on the painting desk recently were a mess of Pit Slaves intended for use in the THUNDERCUBE!!!, a special event that will be taking place in the next session of out Down and Out in Dust Falls campaign. Each gang will sponsor a gladiator, winning credits and reputation for their exploits in the arena. The intention is to run a bracket with the top two going into the final against the notoriously deadly pit champion, Bull Gorg!

First up, the full line-up! The fighters were all bodged together from various kits, notably the Bloodreavers for the bodies, mixed with various Ork, Genestealer Cult, Dark Eldar and Necromunda bits for the weapons and gear.

There are eight players in the campaign, each of whom has a specific pin color associated with them on the campaign map, which was replicated on the various fighters.

They're all armed reasonably similarly, with an autopistol and some sort of horrible rending/chopping/tearing weapon. Carnage ahoy!


Bull Gorg is one of my oldest remaining models, I'd built him for use in my original Necromunda campaigns back in the mid-90's. Made from an old metal fantasy ogre, a couple huge chainswords from the 54mm Inquisitor range and some odds and ends he is a beast of a model.

From a narrative standpoint, following the events of the THUNDERCUBE!!!, Bull Gorg will lead an uprising and will subsequently rampage around the map causing a ruckus until they either make it off the map or are stopped by the various player's gangs. Should be a good time!