The Hive Spirits are restless! Planning out some of the narrative for the next Necromunda campaign and one of the main villains will be The Caller and his Ratskin Renegades! I actually never played or painted Ratskins in the old edition (it being the favored gang of a couple others in our group at the time), so it's been rather fun painting old models that I'd never owned nor painted before.

I'd picked up an assortment of Ratskins from ebay which ended up skewing pretty far into the Braves side of the spectrum, an issue that I'll need to remedy via a few more judicious purchases soon, but overall it's a decent start for the group. A leader, a shaman, 3 warriors (counting Eats Bad Fungus whom I forgot to detach from the guilder gang before photographing), 4 braves and good ol' Brakkar the Avenger, just for a little extra punch. I need three more warriors to field the half-and-half mix of basic Gangers and Juves/Champions/Leaders/etc. that the new system enforces (and to be honest I think is a good rule).

I figured I needed a proper villain for the campaign and The Caller will be leading a rag-tag mix of Ratskins and Scavvies! This was a model that never appeared in our 1st ed. days, so it was doubly exciting to get the change to build and paint it. As a sculpt it's a bit ropey comparatively speaking, but it certainly is evocative, and I really dig that they provide a mounted and dismounted model.

There's been some reference to Ratskins in the 2nd edition but no direct mention of them being a playable force as yet, however the rules are similar enough that I'll be working up some conversion rules for them that hopefully will prove reasonably balanced in the new system!