I'm not a fast painter. I bought the new Genestealer Cult stuff the day it was released, built all of it the following week, primed it all the next week and...waited a good long while to paint it. Then it took me a month to get them done. Painting is not easy for me (hand injury), but I think I have gotten a bit better over the years, so the reward of having a nice battlefield standard paint job on my army is worth it.

I wanted to show off the new additions to my now sizable Cult. Today it's characters (most of them). I'll just get this out of the way so I don't keep repeating myself. All of the models are really good. The sculpts are great, the fine details are impressive, and they all went together well. Okay, the bikers were really fiddly, and small, but still great.

The Kellermorph is one of my favorites. Awesome pose, good fluff, and effective on the field. The new Magus is a great figure, she just oozes cult leader. I kind of wanted the Locus to be in an action pose, but I do enjoy the subtle menace of the more static design.

All three (four if you count the wee fella) of the support staff. I really like the hovering holo-table thing the Cult I.T. guy has. DJ Clamavus is a bit much, but fun. Dr. Happytime is a extremely detailed figure, with all manner of medical equipment on him. Mutagens for all my friends!

We end up with that one guy who always makes everyone else on the team uncomfortable, The Sanctus, the Cult's OTHER super sniper. Damn, they take hiding in the shadows and taking out high value targets very seriously. One of the odd weapon options in the Codex; Sniper Rifle OR a cool knife? Why the heck can't he take both? Is the knife like really super heavy? Don't they trust him to keep track of two things?

The Stars Call To You
Four Armed Hugs Await!