Over the last week I have manged to get quite a lot of painting time in and finished of the right shoulder missile launcher for the Varangian. I basically painted the same way as everything else on this titan. A base coat of yellow-green on the base structure and a brown green on the outer armor plates covered with a blue and white chevron that is peeling of. Add some bulled holes, rust pockets and a lot of weathering and it was mostly done.

The winged bone skulls were painted the same bone as the other skeleton parts on the gun and intakes. The membranes between the "fingers" of the wings were painted in the same mottled way as I have done with the webbing on the insides. The missiles were painted a rust brown-orange to give the some more contrast over just doing them white. I also for go to make any stripes or nose tips on them, representing the lack of maintenance, or the lack of initiative to do anything to the missile bodies.

All in all I am happy. I am getting better at GS sculpting. It is still not on a professional scale but it fills it purpose on this model. Now I only have the left shoulder laser to do and some shields. The, finally it is time for the crew (the cockpit was painted before without the crew members).