Hi One and All,

I thought I'd share some of the images from the Titan Owners Club walk 2019 from the end of June, in Milton Keynes.
The Line Up
The Terrain for 'Floorhammer'
 The Battle starts.. EPIC!!
Two of the hardiest Ignatum Warhounds hold up the might of Legio Fureans much to the frustration of Lyden P.
Amazing fun, Col. Hertford (in TOC Aqua T-Shirt) for scale!
The battle terminals - great for keeping record of whats happening!
Princeps' got to eat - a Warlord high pile of Pizza, better than nutri-paste supplement rations
Traitors advance on the breach, lit up by the Warlord "Hell's Daughter"
Drake Seta about to cause havoc... in the repair phase...
Drake hard at work reviewing his stateboard with Lyden P.
Traitor Engines in line abreast, advance on the Loyalist lines.
Significantly thinned Traitor Engines at the breach after a few chain reactions of reactor meltdowns!
Imperial Engines enmasse defend the Hive City, Legio Solaria hold the secondary breach (below)
As the dust settles on Day 1, its appears to be that the Imperial forces were able to keep the Warmaster's Heretic Legions out of the Imperial city - a victory for the Emperor! Day 2 up next week. LH