Hi everyone, just wanted to update you all on what is coming up with the blog. The content has been a little light recently for a number of reasons. First up, I am in the process of moving house, so have been busy with that, and have most of my hobby supplies boxed up at the moment! 

I also know that written battle reports have been a little light recently too. The reason for this is that my gaming club is on a Friday night. As a result, I've not been able to attend much recently due to other social commitments. However, in a few weeks, I will be attending the Dark Artisan Open tournament, so will hopefully have some great new battle reports to write up. 

I've also been making some purchases for my Dark Angels Primaris army. I picked up a copy of Shadowspear to add some powerful new elements to the force. I hope to get these painted up in the coming weeks to add some more firepower and mobility to the army. 

You can also check out my articles on Frontline Gaming. I've been writing about my experiences with the Primaris army, as well as a bunch of reviews on the Genestealer Cults. 

Thanks to everyone for continuing to support the blog, you can join the facebook page for more regular updates, as well as the YouTube channel for more video battle reports.