I am in middle of re-doing my Orks to bring them in line with 8th edition, and it's been pretty enjoyable. This week, the Ork Air Force reborn!

I had a pair of Bomma when they first came out a couple(many) years ago. But as with most models that get used and moved around, bad things happen. Dust, breakages, poorly applied decals fall off, the works. The Wazbom Blastjet was released and I picked one up, mostly because I really like the new "H" tail. It sat on the shelf for a few years, but it's time has finally come around at last.

I built it like a "normal" Ork bomma, with lots of gunz, rockets, and bombs.

My two older Fighter/bommerz got cleaned up, repaired, and got new decals put on correctly (using the Micro-Set System). I should have taken a few shot of them for the "before" pics, it was pretty bad.

Now all three are ready to provide some close air support for the Goff Hordes.

Look! Up In The Sky
Able to Kill Guardsmen in a Single Pass!