With lots of painting my Far Harad battle company finally got member number 6 and was ready for the first mission against the pesky elves. Here they are charging into battle!
My melee guys charged in and I found out that spear support is really key against these elves with their pesky special rules =)
My two blowpipe guys hid behind very heavy cover and spat poison darts out at the elves.
It was actually a pretty short battle as the spears and blowpipes seemed to be rolling really well and i only suffered one casualty.
Next up we ran a goblin battle company... from 6 troops to 12 for the goblins! This was (again) helped a lot by some spear support, giving me a lot more dice to roll.
The goblins swarmed down and over the elves, with only three casualties.
And it was a lazy Saturday so we then played Far Harad vs. Goblins vs. Cave Troll + wargs (normally cave troll and goblins, but it would be too hard to tell them apart!)
While the wargs were dealt with, both battle companies advanced (the goblins were quicker as they completely dominated the wargs with 6v1 battles happening!
In the end it was a total mess, with everybody stacking up against the troll and against each other! Four goblins were slain, two Far Harad were slain and the troll took two wounds from the mahud first, then a goblin got the last hit in!
At the end of the two matches the Far Harad team expanded by two members and mounted the main hero on a war camel!
The goblins saved up all of their influence (including the lucky roll bonus from the first narrative mission) and convinced the cave troll they just beat to join their party! 12 goblins and a cave troll make for a pretty awesome Battle Company!