It's me, I'm back posting again! An interesting few months, but I can explain...

In addition to the usual work thing, this year saw me enter the show car scene. I've been preparing and have attended two shows recently as an event car, with my third (And last for the year) this coming weekend. Most of my time has been preparing this lovely silver beauty.

For those interested it involved a full body kit all the way around, suspension, engine components and more besides. The work is done for now, and I feel it's time to put some focus on my model making. I've posted every now and again on Facebook with the odd project here and there, but today marks a somewhat slower return to regular blogging. Starting with what might possibly be a stroke of genius.

The Termite drill is an interesting little transport available to Space Marines, Chaos forces and the Mechanicum. Stronger than a rhino and capable of "deep striking" a unit into close range. Its high toughness and mix of armaments makes it a more survivable prospect and worth considering in lists at the very least. The only thing putting me off was the high price for a fairly small model and transport. Could there be a way to have a reasonably convincing alternative model that's a tenth of the price?

The answer is a semi-yes. If you were quick enough to get issue 55 of the Conquest magazine you got a nice piece of terrain for the low low price on £7.99. And the main bulk of the piece is roughly the same size guessed it! Whilst I believe the issue is not on shelves now, the full price terrain kit is still cheaper than the FW model.

With a few extra pieces, like bolters, stabilising tracks on the sides, main tracks underneath and a rear hatch it makes a pretty convincing proxy. The drill end is a lot smaller  than I intended, but I imagine it acting like a powerful short range laser cutter. It's up to you what style of drill blade you go for, laser, bladed, teeth, all would work.

Paint-wise I wanted this to be usable in a number of forces, so no legion specific colours. As it is quite a utilitarian build, I went for a yellow and hazard construction scheme with plenty of weathering.

On top of the paint scheme I went for even more weathering. I wanted the model to look like it's spent a lot of time underground, literally. Powders and mud effect paste helped.

For a 90% cost saving I am very happy with the outcome, and depending on how well they perform I may make a couple more.

As next week is my final car show of the year I may not manage to get another post out for the weekend, but watch this space...