We had a public holiday today, so found time to squeeze in another game! This was super evenly matched points-wise. The Karna list at 149 points, the Wanderers in the Wild with 150 points!

We set up a super terrain dense map so that my Wanderers couldn't just shoot everything to death!

With a river down the middle of the map, trees everywhere, some rocks, some ruins, couple of hills...

The Karna list has a Mirkwood Spider AND a spectral warrior in their midst!

The first few turns went really well for me, my shooting took out two of his commanders and another couple of troops! But then we hit some close combat! The spider took out my snipers, one of his commanders took out my leader and the spectral warrior slashed a dwarven ranger!

Then, just to be mean, one of his warriors won the fight against my other ranger and hobbit... and chose to take out the hobbit! Nooooo! My mission every game is to try and keep him alive and I thought he was pretty safe out of the way!

We were down to 3 guys each, the game would be over when either of us went down to two remaining!

In the very last turn, my elf sniped out his bowman, but then his spearman took out my hero! Two guys each - a tie!!!

This was a super fun match, so even the whole time, it kept swinging one way or the other! However, the post-game really sucked! 

My brother's team rolled terribly, one warrior dead, one hero with an arm wound and half his team are to miss the next match - giving them a rating of only 79!!!

I rolled much better and my rating is now up with an extra dwarven ranger joining the company!

If you've not played a game with tons of scenery, you really should try sometime, it's really fun having to break up groups of guys, really work to get archery shots in, jump tests etc. very different from battle lines and marching in formation!