Hello one and all!

With the dawn of October, it means for hobbyist one thing... Dreadtober.

I am going to try and complete two Dreadnoughts which are sat on my work bench. The dreadnoughts have  had an undercoat of black and silver using a spray cans. One of these dreadnoughts is the Venerable Dreadnought, the other is the same kit with a few additions from a Space Wolves Dreadnought kit I bought for the base of my Magnus model.

Both are armed with a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon fist, with the Space Wolves Dreadnought having a twin Lascannon, and the other a Plasma Cannon.
The models will be done in the same style as my deathwatch Falchion super heavy tank, which needs finishing up too...

Siph has pledged two Dreadnoughts too, check out his old school cool Metal Space Marine Dreadnoughts.

Thanks for looking! Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.