Hello All!

Another week with more progress on my 2 Deathwatch Dreadnoughts.

Dark Angels / Salamanders Dreadnought

This Dreadnought I am still in two minds about - whether to finish him in a Dark Angels or a Salamander, the right shoulder has been picked out with Green to cover either option.
The model has had two coloured edge highlights over the metallic black finish. Details have started to be picked out, with final highlights to complete. I am toying with adding flames within the 'windows' on the sarcophagus, but not 100% sure yet.
Space Wolves Dreadnought

As with the other Dreadnought, highlights and details have been picked out. I need to start the 'claws' on the fist which will be in an ice blue tone, which should be a good contrast against the metallic black of the model.
Nearly complete...
A week to go, hopefully these will be ready in time... Cheers, Lord Halfpenny.