Ork updates grind on! Today it's my new formed Deff Dred Wreckin' Krew. To be fair I had two of the newer plastic ones for some time, but I added a bit of detail to them, and gave them a new member to make a full size detachment.

Just for fun and Orkiness, each one is a specialist of sorts.
Tuska, is sort-of the defacto Boss, and has twin Rokkit launchers and Klaws.

Roasta, the new guy, likes to burn things. Twin Skorchas and Klaws.

And crowd favorite, Big Hugga, is all about the power hugz. With Saws and Klaws.

I have had some impressive successes with the Dread Krew, but even when they are (rightfully) targeted early and dropped before they get to kill anything they are still doing their job by diverting firepower form the rest of the Ladz.

Orks Always Win
Just Sometimes they Don't Have More V.P.