Entering the festive season with a casual Xmas 40K bash! This will be our last Warhammer 40,000 tournament for 2019 and we'd like to thank all of our hobbyists who have taken part in Fight Club activity and weekend events throughout the year. See you all in 2020!

First Round Pairings and Results
16 Niilo Kalakoski vs Teemu Juselius 4
10 Jussi Lindeberg vs Perttu Hiisivuori 10
20 Emppu Niemi vs Mika Hautamäki 0
4 Sampo Rosenberg vs Matti Niemelä 16
14 Timo Nevalainen vs Akseli Dekker 6
7 Tycho Elmgren vs Jere Kortemaa 13
18 Jouni Haavisto vs Juha Kortemaa 2
16 Jarkko Kortemaa vs Bo Lostedt 4
3 Jaakko Järvenkylä vs Lasse Kuikka 17
12 Joel Jänis vs Matti Alanen 8

Second Round Pairings and Results
0 Timo Nevalainen vs Jere Kortemaa 20
14 Tycho Elmgren vs Akseli Dekker 6
0 Perttu Hiisivuori vs Joel Jänis 20
20 Jaakko Järvenkylä vs Teemu Juselius 0
20 Mika Hautamäki vs Juha Kortemaa 0
10 Jouni Haavisto vs Emppu Niemi 10
17 Niilo Kalakoski vs Matti Niemelä 3
8 Sampo Rosenberg vs Bo Lostedt 12
17 Jarkko Kortemaa vs Lasse Kuikka 3
0 Jussi Lindeberg vs Matti Alanen 20

Third Round Pairings and Results
18 Jussi Lindeberg vs Juha Kortemaa 2
0 Timo Nevalainen vs Bo Lostedt 20
20 Jouni Haavisto vs Jaakko Järvenkylä 0
1 Jere Kortemaa vs Jarkko Kortemaa 19
18 Niilo Kalakoski vs Joel Jänis 2
17 Matti Niemelä vs Lasse Kuikka 3
20 Tycho Elmgren vs Mika Hautamäki 0
19 Perttu Hiisivuori vs Teemu Juselius 1
7 Emppu Niemi vs Matti Alanen 13
20 Sampo Rosenberg vs Akseli Dekker 0

Final Standings
1. Niilo Kalakoski, Imperial Fists 57
2. Jarkko Kortemaa, Ultramarines 56
3. Jouni Haavisto, Genestealer Cults 51
4. Tycho Elmgren, Tyranids 44
5. Matti Alanen, Chaos 43
6. Emppu Niemi, Genestealer Cults 41
7. Matti Niemelä, Astra Militarum 40
8. Jere Kortemaa, Dark Angels 39
9. Bo Lostedt, Salamanders 39
10. Joel Jänis, Custodes 36
11. Sampo Rosenberg, Ultramarines 35
12. Perttu Hiisivuori, Astra Militarum 34
13. Jussi Lindeberg, Craftworld Eldar 32
14. Jaakko Järvenkylä, Ultramarines 27
15. Lasse Kuikka, Craftworld Eldar 25
16. Mika Hautamäki, Aeldari 22
17. Timo Nevalainen, Necrons 17
18. Akseli Dekker, Ultramarines 15
19. Teemu Juselius, Ultramarines 9
20. Juha Kortemaa, Iron Warriors 7

Best Army Award: Perttu Hiisivuori, Imperial Guard
Coolest Army List: Jere Kortemaa, Dark Angels
Favourite Opponent: Tycho Elmgren, Tyranids

Teemu Juselius

HQ: Captain with Gravis armor(90): Boltstorm gauntlet(12), master-crafted power sword(6). [108] Warlord: Adept of the Codex
HQ: Primaris Lieutenant(70): Master-crafted auto bolt rifle(4). [74] Psychic powers: Might of Heroes, Null zone, smite
HQ: Primaris Librarian(90): Force sword(8). [98]
TROOP: Intercessors(85): 5 add. intercessors(85), chainsword(0). [170]
TROOP: Intercessors(85): Chainsword(0), aux. grenade launcher(1). [86]
TROOP: Infiltrators[110]
ELITE: Primaris Ancient[69]
ELITE: Redemptor Dreadnought(105): Heavy onslaught gatling cannon(30), onslaught gatling cannon(16), 2xfragstorm grenade launcher(2x4), redemptor fist(0). [159]
FA: Inceptors(75): 3 add. inceptors(75), 12xassault bolters(12x8). [246]
HS: Hellblasters(90): 5xPlasma incinerator(5x75). [165]
HS: Hellblasters(90): 5xPlasma incinerator(5x75). [165]
TRANSPORT: Repulsor(215): Heavy onslaught gatling cannon(30), onslaught gatling cannon(16), twin heavy bolter(17), 3xstorm bolter(3x2), 2xkrakstorm grenade launcher(2x4),
2xfragstorm grenade launcher(2x4). [300]

Joel Jänis
Adeptus Custodes

== Battalion Detachment == Adeptus Custodes (1749 points) 5 CP

HQ 1: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike (150) Relic (Auric Aquilas) Hurricane Bolter (10), Misericordia (4) [164]
HQ 2: Captain-General Trajann Valoris (Warlord: Champion of the Imperium) [185]

Troops 1: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36) [156]
Troops 2: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36) [156]
Troops 3: 3x Custodian Guard Squad (120), 3x Guardian Spear (36) [156]

Heavy Support 1: Venerable Land Raider (217), Storm Bolter (2), Twin Heavy Bolter (17), 2x Twin Lascannon (100) [336]

Elite 1: Vexillus Praetor (80), Vexilla Magnifica (30), Guardian Spear (12) [122]
Elite 2: 6x Allarus Custodian (390), 6x Castellan Axe (84), [474]

Refined Strategy (Using Adeptus Custodes Deck):
Hold the Line (43)
Crush Their Resistance (15)
Psychological Warfare (55)
Domination (46)
Priority Orders Received (66)
Scour the Skies (63)

Akseli Dekker

-Battalion Detachment- (+5cp)

Chapter Tactic: Ultramarines

HQ1: Captain (74), Plasma Pistol (5), Relic Blade (9) [88] WARLORD, Trait: Calm Under Fire, Relic: The Sanctic Halo
HQ2: Lieutenant (60), Master-crafted Bolter (3) [63]
TROOP1: Intercessor Squad (85), 5 additional Intercessors (85) [170]
TROOP2: Scout squad (55), Camo cloaks (15), 4x Sniper Rifle (8), Heavy Bolter (10) [88]
TROOP3: Scout Squad (55), 5 additional scouts (55), power fist (9), 7x CCW/bolt pistol (0), 2x bolter (0) [119]
ELITES1: Chapter Champion [55]
ELITES2: Venerable Dreadnought (80), Twin Lascannon (40), Missile launcher (20) [140]
FAST ATTACK1: 2x Land Speeders (90), Each with Multi-Melta (44), and Heavy Flamer (28) [162]

-Spearhead Detachment- (+1cp)

HQ1: Chronus
HEAVY SUPPORT1: Thunderfire Cannon [92]
HEAVY SUPPORT2: Land Raider Crusader 200, 2x Hurricane Bolter (20), Twin Assault Cannon (44), Multi-Melta (22) [286]
HEAVY SUPPORT3: Predator (85), Twin Lascannon (40), 2x Lascannon (50), Storm Bolter (2) [177]
HEAVY SUPPORT4: Centurion Devastator Squad (120), 1 additional Centurion (40), 4x Hurricane Bolters (40), 3x Twin Heavy bolter (20), Grav-cannon and grav-amp (20) [280}

Poistetut kortit: Domination, Kingslayer, Which hunter, Harness The Warp, Advance, Priority Orders Received.

Total Command Points: 9

Matti Niemelä
Astra Militarum

Cadian Battalion Detachment +5CP

HQ1: Company Commander, Bolt Pistol (1), Warlord (Old Grudges), Relic (Kurov's Aquila) [31]
HQ2: Lord Commissar, Plasma Pistol (5), Power Sword (4) [39]

TROOP1: Infantry Squad [40]
TROOP2: Infantry Squad [40]
TROOP3: Infantry Squad [40]

ELITE1: Platoon Commander, Bolt Pistol (1) [21]
ELITE2: Platoon Commander, Bolt Pistol (1) [21]
ELITE3: Platoon Commander, Bolt Pistol (1) [21]

FAST1: Hellhound, Heavy Flamer (14), Track Guards (10) [117]

HEAVY1: Basilisk, Heavy Bolter (8) [108]
HEAVY2: Heavy Weapons Squad, 3x Mortar (6) [33]
HEAVY3: Heavy Weapons Squad, 3x Mortar (6) [33]

TRANSPORT1: Chimera, Heavy Bolter (8), Heavy Bolter (8) [76]

Militarum Tempestus Battalion Detachment +5CP
 - Operative Requisition Sanctioned -2CP [85]

HQ1: Tempestor Prime, Command Rod (5) [45]
HQ2: Primaris Psyker (Nightshroud, Psychic Barrier) [46]

TROOP1: Tempestus Scions, Plasma Pistol (5), 2x Plasmagun (11) [72]
TROOP2: Tempestus Scions, Plasma Pistol (5), 2x Plasmagun (11) [72]
TROOP3: Tempestus Scions, Plasma Pistol (5), 2x Plasmagun (11) [72]

ELITE1: 4 Bullgryns (42), Slabshields, Bullgryn Maul (7) [168]

Cadian Supreme Command Detachment +1CP
 - Vigilus Defiant: Emperor's Fist Tank Company -1CP
 - Imperial Commander's Armory -1CP

HQ1: Tank Commander, Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter (8), Extra Relic (Hammer of Sunderance) [172]
HQ2: Tank Commander, Battle Cannon, Lascannon (20), HK Missile (6) [190]
HQ3: Tank Commander, Executioner Plasma Cannon, Lascannon (20) [177]

ELITE1: Tech-Priest Enginseer [30]


Refined Strategy:
12 Regimental Pride
41 Advance
46 Domination
61 Kingslayer
62 Witch Hunter
66 Priority Orders Received

Juha Kortemaa
Iron Warriors

Iron Warriors Battalion Detachment
HQ1: Chaos Lord with Jump Pack (93), Bolt Pistol, Power Sword (4), The Murder Sword [97]
HQ2: Dark Apostle (100), Illusory Supplication [100] -Warlord, Trait: Unholy Fortitude
Troop1: Chaos Space Marines [65]
Troop2: Chaos Space Marines [65]
Troop3: Chaos Space Marines (65), Power Sword (4) [69]

Iron Warriors Spearhead Detachment
HQ3: Chaos Hellwright on Dark Abeyant [136]
Elite1: Hellforged Sicaran (160), Sponson Lascannons (50) [210]
HS1: Chaos Land Raider [297]
HS2: Chaos Predator (90), Twin Lascannon (40), Sponson Lascannons (50) [180]
HS3: Chaos Predator (90), Twin Lascannon (40) [130]
HS4: Chaos Predator (90), Predator Autocannon (40), Sponson Heavy Bolters (20) [150]
HS5: Chaos Vindicator [125]
HS6: Chaos Vindicator [125]

Tycho Elmgren

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP  ++
Hive Fleet: Behemoth

HQ1 Old One Eye [10 PL, 200pts]
HQ2 Tyranid Prime [6 PL, 78pts]: Boneswords, Deathspitter, Adrenal Glands

Troops1 Hormagaunts [9 PL, 150pts]. 25x Hormagaunt: 25x Adrenal Glands
Troops2 Termagants [6 PL, 64pts]. 16x Termagant (Fleshborer)
Troops3 Tyranid Warriors [13 PL, 246pts]  9 Warriors, 9 Deathspitter, 1 Boneswords, 3 Lash Whip and Boneswords, 2 Rending Claws, 3 Scything Talons, 9 Adrenal Glands
Troops4 Tyranid Warriors [9 PL, 107pts] 4 Warriors, 3 Deathspitters, 1 Venom Cannon, 4 Scything Talons

FA1 Gargoyles [3 PL, 60pts]: 10x Gargoyle

Flyer1 Harpy [9 PL, 149pts]: 2x Heavy Venom Cannon, Stinger Salvo

Transport1 Tyrannocyte [8 PL, 100pts]: 5x Deathspitter

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP ++
Hive Fleet: Behemoth

HQ3 Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 213pts]: Adrenal Glands, Monstrous Rending Claws, The Maw-claws of Thyrax, Toxin Sacs, Two Devourers with Brainleech Worms, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Monstrous Hunger, Wings

HS1 Screamer-Killers [6 PL, 115pts]
. Screamer-Killer: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons, Spore Cysts
HS2 Screamer-Killers [6 PL, 115pts]
. Screamer-Killer: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons, Spore Cysts
HS3 Trygon [9 PL, 153pts]: 3x Massive Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands, Prehensile Pincer Tail

Perttu Hiisivuori
Astra Militarum

+ REFINED STRATEGY:  Advance, Domination, Psychological warfare, Witch hunter, Kingslayer, Priority orders recceived

==Brigade detachent <Astra Militarum – Catachan> +12CP Emperor’s wrath artillery company -1CP== [1174pts]

HQ1: Colonel “Iron Hand” Straken [75]
HQ2: Company commander (30) Chainsword (0), Boltgun (1) Warlord (Grand Strategist) [31]
HQ3: Company commander (30) Power Fist (0) [38]
Troops1: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Troops2: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Troops3: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Troops4: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Troops5: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Troops6: Infantry squad: 9 Guardsmen (36) 1 Sergeant (4) Chainsword (0) [40]
Elite1: Astropath, laspistol (0) Psychic barrier [26]
Elite2: Ministorum Priest chainsword (0) laspistol (0) [35]
Elite3: 7 Bullgryn (280) 8x Maul (56), 5x Slabshield (0), 2x Brute shield (0) [294]
FA1: Scout sentinel (30) Multi laser (5) [35]
FA2: Scout sentinel (30) Multi laser (5) [35]
FA3: Scout sentinel (30) Multi laser (5) [35]
HS1: Wyvern (95) Heavy Bolter (8) [103]
HS2: Basilisk (100) Heavy Bolter (8) [108]
HS3: 3 Heavy Weapon Teams (18) 3 Mortars (15) [33]
HS4: 3 Heavy Weapon Teams (18) 3 Mortars (15) [33]
HS5: 3 Heavy Weapon Teams (18) 3 Mortars (15) [33]

==Supreme command detachment <Astra Militarum – Catachan> +1CP Emperor’s fist tank company -1CP== [576pts]

HQ1: Tank commander (142), Battle cannon (22) Heavy bolter (8) Plasma cannon sponsons (16) Relic: Hammer of Sunderance [192]
HQ2: Tank commander (142), Battle cannon (22) Heavy bolter (8) Plasma cannon sponsons (20) [192]
HQ3: Tank commander (142), Battle cannon (22) Heavy bolter (8) Plasma cannon sponsons (20) [192]

Sampo Rosenberg
Space Marines

Chapter tactics: Master Artisans, Stealthy
Battalion Detachment +5CP


Captain [79pts]: Chainsword, Plasma pistol [5pts], Teeth of Terra, The imperiums sword, Warlord,
Lieutenant [60pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword


Intercessor Squad [170pts]: Bolt rifle, 9x Intercessor [153pts], Intercessor Sergeant [17pts]

Tactical Squad [66pts]
3x Space Marine [36pts]
Space Marine Sergeant [12pts]: Boltgun/Bolt pistol
Space Marine w/Special Weapon [18pts]: Flamer [6pts]

Tactical Squad [70pts]
3x Space Marine [36pts]
Space Marine Sergeant [12pts]: Boltgun/Bolt pistol
Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon [22pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]

Scout Squad [65pts]
Scout Sergeant [11pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword
2x Scout w/Boltgun [22pts]
Scout w/Combat Knife [11pts]
Scout w/Heavy Weapon [21pts]: Heavy bolter [10pts]


Relic Whirlwind Scorpius [215pts]: Scorpius multi-launcher [40pts]
Venerable Dreadnought [142pts]: Twin lascannon [40pts]
Dreadnought combat weapon w/Storm Bolter [22pts]: Storm bolter [2pts]

Vanguard Veteran Squad [151pts]: Jump Pack [15pts]
Space Marine Veteran [32pts]: Storm shield [2pts], Thunder hammer [16pts]
Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: 2x Lightning Claw [10pts]
Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: 2x Lightning Claw [10pts]
Space Marine Veteran [24pts]: 2x Lightning Claw [10pts]
Veteran Sergeant [32pts]: Storm shield [2pts], Thunder hammer [16pts]

Dedicated Transport

Rhino [69pts]: , 2xStorm bolter [4pts]

Heavy Support

Hellblaster Squad [165pts]: Plasma incinerator [75pts] 4x Hellblaster [72pts]Hellblaster Sergeant [18pts]: Bolt pistol
Relic Leviathan Dreadnought [321pts]: 2x Heavy flamer [28pts], 3x Hunter-killer missile [18pts], Storm cannon array [50pts], Storm cannon array [50pts]

Stormtalon Gunship [176pts]: Twin assault cannon [44pts], Typhoon missile launcher [32pts]

 Poistetut kortit:

Honour your Chapter
Witch Hunter
Priority orders received
Master the warp

Bo Lostedt

Battalion detachment <Salamanders>

HQ 1: Librarian (80) Force axe (10) [90] Might of Heroes, Veil of Time
HQ 2: Primaris Librarian [98] Fire Shield, Drakeskin
HQ 3: Vulkan He'stan [130] Warlord

Troop 1: Intercessor squad (85), 1 x Auxiliary grenade launcher (1), Power fist (9) [95]
Troop 2: Intercessor squad (85), 1 x Auxiliary grenade launcher (1), Power sword (4) [90]
Troop 3: Tactical squad (84), 1 x Plasma pistol (5), 1 x Power axe (5), 1 x Flamer (69 [100]

Elite 1: Aggressor squad (84) 4 x Flamestorm gauntlets (56) [140]
Elite 2: Ancient in Terminator Armor [98]
Elite 3: Apothecary [50]

Heavy Support 1: Eliminator squad (63), 3 x Bolt sniper rilfe (9) [72]

Vanguard detachment <Salamanders>

HQ 1: Primaris Lieutenant (65) 1 x Master-crafted auto bolt rifle (4) [69]
HQ 2: Techmarine (45), 1 x Power maul (4), 1 x Servo-arm, 1 x Combi-flamer (8) [57]

Elite 1: Invictor tactical warsuit (90), 1 x Incendium cannon (15), 1 x Fragstorm grenade launcher (4), 1 x Heavy bolter (10), 2 x Ironhail heavy stubber (12) [131]
Elite 2: Primaris apothecary [90]
Elite 3: Redemptor dreadought (105) 1 x Icarus rocket pod (6), 1 x Heavy onslaught gatling cannon (30), 1 x Heavy flamer (14), 2 x Fragstorm grenade launcher (8) [163]

Heavy support 1: Land Raider Redeemer (180) 2 Flamestorm cannon (50), 1 x Twin assault cannon (44), 1 x Hunter-killer missile (6), 1 x Multi-melta (22), 1 x Storm bolter (2) [304]

Lasse Kuikka
Craftworld Eldar

Eldar Alaitoc Battalion

HQ farseer skyrunner 132
HQ warlock 55
EL 10 wraithguard, scythes 430
TR 5 ranger 60
TR 5 ranger 60
TR 15 guardian 120
HS 3 warwalker, starcannon 198
HS wraithlord, glaive, 2 shuriken cannon, 2 flamer 127
HS wraithlord, glaive, 2 shuriken cannon, 2 flamer 127

Eldar Alaitoc aux superheavy:

SH wraithknight, 2 hvy wraithcannon, 2 starcannon

Joulu Haavisto
Genesantas Cults

Christmas Points: 12

Santa (Mass Hypnosis, Psychis Stimulus, Mental Onslaught)
Magus (Mind Control, Might From Beyond)

Refined Strategy: 11 Lay Low The Oppressors, 12 Spread Panic and Fear, 41 Advance, 55 Psychological Warfare, 61 Kingslayer, 62 Witch Hunter

<Pauper Princes> Battalion +5 CP
Anointed Throng -1CP

HQ1: Santa Claws (125) Santa's Little Helper (12) [137] WARLORD (Beloved Grandsire) RELIC (Crouchling)
HQ2: Abominant [105]

Troop1: 10 Neophytes (50) 10 Shotguns (0) [50]
Troop2: 10 Neophytes (10) 2 Grenade Launchers (6) [56]
Troop3: 10 Neophytes (50) 2 Mining Lasers (24) [74]

Elite1: Nexos [50]
Elite2: 10 Aberrants (160) 2 Hypermorphs (0) 8 Power Picks (72) 2 Heavy Improvised Weapons (20) [252]
Elite3: Biophagus (35) Alchemicus Familiar (12) [47]

<Pauper Princes> Battalion +5 CP
Deliverance Broodsurge -1CP

HQ1: Acolyte Iconward [53]
HQ2: Primus (72) Bonesword (3) [75]

Troop1: 16 Acolyte Hybrids (112) 14 Handflamers (14) 2 Heavy Rock Drills (34) [160]
Troop2: 18 Acolyte Hybrids (126) 2 Heavy Rock Saws (20) [146]
Troop3: 5 Acolyte Hybrids (35) 5 Hand Flamers (5) 2 Demo Charges (10) [50]

<Pauper Princes> Vanguard +1cp

HQ1: Magus [80]

Elite1: 20 Purestrain Genestealers [300]
Elite2: Clamavus [55]
Elite3: Sanctus (55) Silencer Sniper Rifle (5) [60]

Niilo Kalakoski
Space Marines

Imperial fists successor: Inheritors of the primarch

Red Hunters Battalion detachment (+5CP, 1124 points)

Captain Anacletus of II company, Master of the Watch, Keeper of the Naughty List: 
Captain(74), relic blade(9), MC bolter(3)[86]
CHAMPION of BLADES: The Eye of Hypnoth
WARLORD: Hand of Dorn

Lieutenant Telesphorus, Sergeant-General of Sanguinala Paraphernalia (II Company): 
Lieutenant(60), 2 chainswords(0), bolt pistol(0)[60]
RELIC: Teeth of Terra

Inquisitor Marozia, Overseer of the Helpers:
Ordo Xenos Inquisitor(55), force sword(8), storm bolter(2)[65]
INQUISITORIAL MANDATE: Esoteric lore, Bio-corrosive poisons
PSYKER: Smite, Mental interrogation

TROOP1: Tactical squad(60), flamer(6), power sword(4), combi-flamer(8)[78]
TROOP2: Tactical Squad(60), meltagun(14), combi-melta(15), power axe(5)[94]
TROOP3: Tactical squad(60), gravgun(12), combi-grav(13)[85]
FA1: Land speeder(45), heavy bolter(10), assault cannon(22)[77]
FA2: Land speeder(45), heavy bolter(10), assault cannon(22)[77]
HEAVY2: Land Raider Prometheus(250), 2 quad heavy bolters(72), hunter-killer missile(6)[328]
Transport1: Razorback(70), twin heavy bolter(17)[87]
Transport2: Razorback(70), twin heavy bolter(17)[87]

Red Hunters Vanguard Detachment (+1CP, 624 points)

Reclusiarch Nikolaos, Defender of Orthodoxy, Master of the Choir, Enforcer of Sanguinala Cheer:
Chaplain Venerable dreadnought(120), twin lascannon(40), dreadnought close combat weapons(20), storm bolter(2)[182]
LITANIES OF BATTLE: Recitation of focus

ELITE1: 5 Sternguard veterans(70), 5 special issue bolters(0), power fist(9)[79]
ELITE2: Venerable dreadnought(80), twin lascannon(40), dreadnought combat weapon(20), storm bolter(2)[142]
ELITE3: Relic Whirlwind Scorpius(175), Scorpius Multi-launcher(40), hunter-killer missile(6)[221]

Jarkko Kortemaa

Space Marines

Ultramarines Battalion Detachement

HQ1: Marneus Calgar [200] WARLORD
HQ2: Chief Librarian Tigurius [130], Might of heroes, veil of time, null zone
HQ3: Primaris Liutenant (65), power sword (4) [69], The Burning Blade
Troop1: Intercessor squad (85), power sword (4) [89]
Troop2: Intercessor squad [85]
Troop3: Intercessor squad [85]
Heavy1: Eliminator squad [72]
Heavy2: Hellblaster squad (90), plasma incinerators (75) [165]
Dedicated Transport1: Repulsor (215), 2x krakstorm grenade launcher (8), twin heavy bolter (17), Heavy onslaught gatling cannon (30), Onslaught gatling cannon (16) Ironhail heavy stubber (6), 3x storm bolter (6) [298]

Ultramarines Vanguard Detachement

HQ4: Primaris Chaplain [77], Mantra of strenght, Benediction of Fury, The Imperium's Sword
Elite1: Invictor Tactical warsuit (90), Twin ironhail autocannon (20), fragstorm grenade launcher (4), Heavy bolter (10), 2x Ironhail Heavy stubber (12) [136]
Elite2: Redemptor Dreadnnought (105), Icarus rocket pod (6), Macro plasma incinerator (31), onslaught gatling cannon (16), 2x storm bolters (4) [162]
Elite3: Reiver squad (80), knifes and pistols, Grav chutes (10) [90]
Elite4: Reiver squad (80), knifes and pistols, Grav chutes (10) [90]

Discarded tactical objectives: advance, domination, psychological, witch hunter, assassinate, priority orders

Mika Hautamäki

Masque of the Broken Smile

Battalion Detachment +5CP [1,387pts]
Masque Form: The Soaring Spite: Serpent's Blood
COMMAND POINTS 5+3 -1 (extra relic) = 7


Shadowseer [125pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Warlord trait: Player of the Twilight,
Relic : The Starmist Raiment, Psychic Powers : Twilight Pathways, Webway Dance
Shadowseer [125pts]: Shuriken Pistol, Psychic Powers : Mirror of Minds, Shards of Light
Troupe Master [77pts]: Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol


Troupe [100pts]
Player : Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Caress, Shuriken Pistol

Troupe [138pts]
Player : Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
Player : Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
Player : Fusion Pistol, Harlequin's Embrace
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol

Troupe [100pts]

Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol
Player : Harlequin's Kiss, Shuriken Pistol


Death Jester [45pts]
Solitaire [98pts]: Harlequin's Caress , Harlequin's Kiss, Relic : Cegorach's Rose


Skyweavers [184pts]
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive

Skyweavers [184pts]
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive
Skyweaver : Shuriken Cannon, Zephyrglaive

HEAVY SUPPORT Voidweaver [108pts]: Prismatic Cannon, 2x Shuriken Cannon

DEDICATED TRANSPORT Starweaver [99pts]: 2x Shuriken Cannon

Patrol Detachment [367pts]

Cult of the Drazhar´s Dames (Berserk Fugue & Slashing Impact)

 HQ Drazhar [120pts]

TROOP Wyches x 7,Wych with : Hydra gauntlets Wych with Wych Weapon : Shardnet and impaler Hekatrix : PGL [92pts] Painbringer (Grave Lotus) + 1 S

FAST Reaver x 3 Arena Champion : Agoniser Reaver with : Blaster x 2, Cluster caltrops [155pts] Painbringer (Combat Drug) + 1 T

Kortit pakasta : Domination, Advance, Priority Orders Received, Hold The Line, Big Game Hunter, Witch Hunter

Jere Kortemaa
Dark Angels

Dark Angels Battalion Detachment +5CP
Specialist Detachment: Ravenwing Attack Squadron -1CP

HQ1: Sammael in Sableclaw [216], WARLORD, Master of maneuvre
HQ2: Ravenwing Talonmaster [188], Heavenfall Blade
Troop1: 5 Scouts [55]
Troop2: 5 Scouts [55]
Troop3: 5 Scouts [55]
Fast1: 7 Ravenwing Black Knights [266]
Flyer1: Ravenwing Dark Talon (180), 2x Hurricane Bolter (20) [200]

Dark Angels Vanguard Detachment +1CP

HQ1: Belial [150]
Elite1: 5 Deathwing Knights (175), 5 Storm Shields (10), Watcher in the Dark (5) [190]
Elite2: 5 Deathwing Terminators (115), 4 Power Fists (36), 1 Power Sword (4), 5 Storm Bolters (10), 1 Cyclone missile launcher (38) [203]
Elite 3: 5 Deathwing Terminators (115), 4 Power Fists (36), Pair of Lighting claws (12), 4 Storm Bolters (8) [171]

Refined Strategy: Advance (41), Hold the Line (43), Psychological warfare (55), Master the warp (56), Witch Hunter (62), Assassinate (64)

Jussi Lindeberg
Craftworld Eldar

Spearhead Detachment +1CP
Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc: Fieldcraft

+ HQ +

Illic Nightspear 80pts

+ Heavy Support +

Falcon 157pts: Aeldari Missile Launcher, Crystal Targeting Matrix, Spirit Stones, Twin Shuriken Catapult, Vectored Engines
Fire Prism 190pts: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Vectored Engines
3x War Walkers 240pts: 2x Bright Lance

Battalion Detachment +5CP
Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc: Fieldcraft

+ HQ +

Farseer 110pts: 0. Smite, 1. Guide, 3. Fortune, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade
Warlock 55pts: 0. Smite, 1. Conceal/Reveal, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

+ Troops +

Dire Avengers 69pts: 5x Dire Avenger, Dire Avenger Exarch: Two Avenger Shuriken Catapults
Guardian Defenders 105pts: 10x Guardian Defender, Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Aeldari Missile Launcher
Rangers 60pts

+ Fast Attack +

Vyper 60pts: 2x Shuriken Cannon

+ Heavy Support +

Support Weapons 37pts: Shadow Weaver

Battalion Detachment +5CP
Craftworld Attribute: Alaitoc: Fieldcraft

+ HQ +

Farseer Skyrunner 137pts: 0. Smite, 2. Doom, 6. Mind War, Craftworlds Warlord: An Eye on Distant Events, Shuriken Pistol, Singing Spear, Twin Shuriken Catapult, The Phoenix Gem
Warlock 55pts: 0. Smite, 4. Protect/Jinx, Shuriken Pistol, Witchblade

+ Troops +

Dire Avengers 56pts: 4x Dire Avenger, Dire Avenger Exarch: Shuriken Pistol & Diresword
Guardian Defenders 92pts: 10x Guardian Defender, Guardian Heavy Weapons Platform: Scatter Laser
Rangers 60pts

+ Dedicated Transport +

Wave Serpent 195pts: Crystal Targeting Matrix, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones, Twin Aeldari Missile Launcher, Vectored Engines


Removed Tactical Objective cards: Mission Critical Objective, Domination, Advance, Priority Orders Received, Area Denial, Psychological Warfare.

Timo Nevalainen

Battalion: Nephrek

HQ1: Command barge(warscythe, gauss cannon, warlord: enduring will, relic: Lightning field) 153
HQ2: Cryptek(canoptek cloak, relic: The Veil of Darkness) 85

Troop1: 10ximmortal(tesla carbine) 150
Troop2: 17xnecron warriors 187
Troop2: 17xnecron warriors 187

Elite1: 8xlychguard(dispersin shield & hyperphase sword) 224

Heavy1: Annihilator barge(tesla cannon) 113
Heavy2: Doomsday ark 160

Super heavy auxiliary: Nephrek

SHV1: Gauss Pylon 485

Necron deck

Refined strategy: Reclaim & Recapture(13), Advance(41), Domination(46), Priority Orders received(66), Endless Legion(11), Dust and Ashes(12)

Jaakko Järvenkylä

Total Command Points: 13
Total Army Points: 1750
Refined Strategy: Advance, Kingslayer, Priority Orders Received, Big Game Hunter, Blood And Guts, Witch Hunter

Ultramarines Battalion Detachment
HQ1 Captain on Bike(90), Storm Shield(10), Storm Bolter(2), Relic: Vengeance of Ultramar WARLORD: Adept of the Codex [102]​
HQ2 Sergeant Telion [65]​
​Troop1 Scout Squad(55), 5xAdditional scouts(55), 9xSniper Rifle(18), Boltgun(0), Missile Launcher(20), Camo cloaks(30) [178]​
Troop2 Scout Squad(55), 2xAdditional scouts(22), 5xBoltgun(0), 2xSniper Rifle(4), Chainsword(0) [81]
Troop3 Scout Squad(55), 5xBoltgun(0), Chainsword(0) [55]​​
Fast1 Inceptor Squad(75), 6xAssault Bolter(48) [123]
Fast2 Scout Bike Squad(69), 4xAdditional Scout Bikers(92), Boltgun(0) [161]
Fast3 Suppressor Squad(54), 3xSuppressor Autocannon(30), 3xGrav-chute(6) [90]
Heavy1 Thunderfire Cannon(92) [92]

Ultramarines Battalion Detachment
HQ3 Librarian(80), Jump Pack(28), Force Stave(8) [116]
HQ4 Techmarine(45), Combi-plasma(11) [56]
Troop4 Scout Squad(55), 4xBoltgun(0), Chainsword(0), Heavy Bolter(10) [65]​​
Troop5 Tactical Squad(60), 1xAdditional Space Marine(12), 5xBoltgun(0), Chainsword(0), Heavy Bolter(10) [82]
Troop6 Tactical Squad(60), 1xAdditional Space Marine(12), 5xBoltgun(0), Chainsword(0), Heavy Bolter(10) [82]
​Heavy2 Predator(85), Twin Lascannon(40), Two Lascannons(50), Storm Bolter(2) [177]
Transport1 Razorback(70), Twin Lascannon(40) [110]
Transport2 Razorback(70), Lascannon & Twin Plasma Gun(45) [115]

Emppu Niemi
Genestealer Cults

Total CP: 18

== Battallion Detachment <Bladed Cog> ==

HQ: Jackal Alphus[70]
HQ: Magus[70]
Troop: 10 Neophyte Hybrids[76] 2 Mining lasers, 2 Webbers
Troop: 10 Neophyte Hybrids[76] 2 Mining lasers, 2 Webbers
Troop: 10 Neophyte Hybrids[76] 2 Mining lasers, 2 Webbers
FA: Achilles Ridgerunner[84] Heavy Mining Laser, Spotter

== Battallion Detachment <Bladed Cog> ==

HQ: Patriarch[125] Warlord(Biomorph Adaptation)
HQ: Primus[75]
Troop: 15 Acolyte Hybrids[165] 5 Heavy Rock Saws, Cult Icon
Troop: 10 Neophyte Hybrids[60] 2 Heavy Stubbers, 2 Grenade Launchers
Troop: 10 Neophyte Hybrids[60] 2 Heavy Stubbers, 2 Greance Launchers
Elite: 15 Purestrain Genestealers[225] 15 Purestrain Talons
FA: 4 Atalan Jackals[60] 4 Demolition Charges, 3 Shotguns, Autogun

== Battallion Detachment <Bladed Cog> ==

HQ: Abominant[105]
HQ: Acolyte Iconward[53]
Troop: 10 Brood Brothers[40]
Troop: 10 Brood Brothers[40]
Troop: 10 Brood Brothers[40]
Elite: 5 Aberrants[126] Hypermorph, Heavy Improvised Weapon, 4 Power
HS1: Goliath Rockgrinder[110] Clearance Incinerator

Matti Alanen

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Daemons) [40 PL, 774pts] ++
Chaos Allegiance:* Chaos Undivided

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]:* Malefic talon, Wings. *Nurgle*

Poxbringer [4 PL, 70pts]

+ Troops +

Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]:* 3x Nurgling Swarms

Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]:* Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

Plaguebearers [12 PL, 235pts]:* Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos, 29x Plaguebearer, Plagueridden

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Chaos - Daemons) [34 PL, 657pts] ++*
Chaos Allegiance:* Chaos Undivided

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Chaos [9 PL, 180pts]:* Hellforged sword, Khorne, Wings
Sloppity Bilepiper [3 PL, 60pts]*
Spoilpox Scrivener [4 PL, 95pts]*

+ Troops +

Bloodletters [12 PL, 214pts]:* 26x Bloodletter, Bloodreaper, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]:* 3x Nurgling Swarms
Nurglings [3 PL, 54pts]:* 3x Nurgling Swarms

++ Auxiliary Support Detachment -1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [16 PL, 317pts]

Legion: Renegade Chapters

+ Heavy Support +

Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [16 PL, 317pts]:* 2x Butcher cannon array, 2x Hellflamer, 2x Meltagun, No Chaos Mark