An on time update!

Games Played
  • I posted a bunch about what I played during my fall gaming retreat.  Instead of repeating that, I'll just leave a link to that here, and you can see what I played.  
  • Warhammer Underworlds - Two games against my brother.  He's trying to get better at the game, and the best way to do that is to sit down and play more games.  We played twice, using his stuff.  Game one, I took Mollog's Mob against the Godsworn Hunt.  I think he wasn't sure the best approach to take, went from attacking Mollog to not, and I just made a beeline for the center of his forces, killing as I went.  I end up winning 13-9.  The second game, I take the Fellhoof and he takes the Grimwatch. I swarm his side of the board early, gain a bunch of glory from the 2 health guys, and start going after my objective cards. I easily handle everything thrown at me, and win 18-7. 
    Start of game 2.
  • Magic the Gathering - Six games against my college roommate, Eric.  My card collection is a bit of a mess at the moment, as I'm organizing everything, finally, so we played with his cards.  We ended up playing five games of brawl, one of Commander, and ended up pulling about three wins apiece.  A lot of fun!
  • Warmachine - Two games, one against Joey, and one against Rob.  I play both games at 75 points, using Cryx in the Dark Host theme.  First game was using Pirate Queen Skarre against Joey's Armored Korps list, with Kozlov as the caster.  I end up assassinating him on Turn 4, I think, basically throwing everything into pulling it off, and barely succeeding.  I then play Iron Lich Asphyxious against Rob running Butcher3 in Jaws of the Wolf, a theme I always struggle against.  This game ends early as I get too close to his caster, and he rushes in and kills me.  I need to do better about remembering to keep track of Butcher's threat!
    Butcher within 2" of my caster... this game is over :(
    Game end, as I smother his warcaster (the red, unpainted miniature just left of center, mostly hidden)
  • Marvel Champions - I know I played this at the gaming weekend, but I wanted to play it some more, so I decided to play some two-handed solo games.  I played three games.  Game 1, I used Leadership Iron Man & Justice Spider-Man against Rhino Bomb Scare. My heroes actually handled everything pretty easily, beating up Rhino twice, and winning.  Game 2, I take Protection Black Panther & Aggression Captain Marvel against Klaw Masters of Evil. Things go okay, but the two heroes really can't handle the Schemes well, and end up unable to mitigate how quickly the Threat piles up at the end, and lose.  Game 3, I use Leadership Captain Marvel and Aggression She-Hulk against Klaw Masters of Evil. Once again, handling the minions doesn't end up being too hard, and for a time, I handle the threat on the schemes well, unfortunately, one or two setbacks is all it takes, and I lose, probably a turn or so away from being able to win. 
  • Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth - Two games, with Mark and Rob.  We play the next two adventures in the Warg campaign, and win them both, pretty handily.  I think next time we play, we get to see some of our equipment upgrade!

  • Lord of the Rings, The Card Game - Three games, as Joey and I are starting a progression playthrough of the LotR content.  We went through the Core Set scenarios.  In all three games, our hero loadouts were Beravor, Theodred, Denethor for Joey, and Legolas, Eowyn, Eleanor for myself.  We started with Passage Through Mirkwood, and had an easy time of it, blew through the quest stages, and chew through the enemies. Ended up winning on turn five, with a total of 102 points.  Next was Journey Along the Anduin, we once again cruise through it. The final stage gives us a brief bit of stress, but we survive, and manage to win, once again, with a score of 140.  Finally, we played Escape from Dol Duldur, which I have never won- we eat through the first two parts easily, and handle the Nazgul, honestly with very little trouble. We hit the last part, and blow through it, easy as can be. 157 points. 
  • Master of Wills - Luckily, there is an app for this game, because the rulebook is actually pretty bad.  With the app and the rulebook, I was able to figure out how to play, and I played two quick games against the AI... losing both.  Not even closely, honestly.  It was pretty bad.  Still, the game seems interesting enough that I'll invest a bit more into some of the expansions. 
New Arrivals
  • Marvel: Crisis Protocol - Superheroes, miniatures, designed by Warmachine veterans?  Uh, how was I going to pass this up?  Of course I wasn't.  Looks freaking amazing- I'm sure I'll post a bunch about that as I play it.
  • Marvel Champions - I've mentioned this above as something I've been playing, and it came out right at the beginning of the month.  How do I like it?  I think it's amazing, obviously!
  • Cthulhu: Death May Die - Finally, my Kickstarter reward arrived!  I am super stoked about it, I can't wait to play!
  • Warmachine miniatures - I won't list everything I've recently bought here, but with my primary game store having a 50% off their whole stock of Warmachine stuff, and the MM Black Friday sale... yeah.  I have a lot of stuff to work through.
  • Card Game Expansions - Quite a few.  A pack for Lord of the Rings LCG, Game of Thrones, LCG, Arkham Horror LCG, two packs for the VS2PG... just working to get caught up with all of these games :)
  • The Czech Legion in Russia - A solitaire game depicting the Czech Legion in Russia during World War I, new from One Small Step as the current issue of Counterfact magazine.  I'm happy to see this issue, as I am almost all issues of CF... but man this one was a pain for a few reasons.  What a mess the customer service for that company is at times.  Anyway, I have it, it should all be resolved, so I can't really complain.
  • KeyForge Worlds Collide Starter - May as well get two decks from the new expansion, right?  I have two from all the others, after all.
  • Master of Wills - I backed this one on Kickstarter, as it looked to have some elements I like (mainly, deckbuilding and fixed distribution).  I played it a bit, as I related above, and it seems okay.  I have the main game and one of the expansions.  Like I said, it seems alright.
Miniature Assembly/Painting
  • More assembly- I assembled the Hermit of Henge Hold, the five minis in the Riot Quest box, two Stalkers, and a few more random fixes of miniatures.  I started working on Crisis Protocol miniatures, as well.
  • I read Ire of the Void- an Arkham Horror novella.  Probably the best of the set I've read so far.  Maybe I just like academic POV characters.
  • Some rulebooks, which aren't worth mentioning.