War Head's tournament year was concluded in the Mortal Realms with the largest Age of Sigmar event in Finland so far! With nearly forty Fight Club tournaments during 2019 it was fitting to wrap up the year with such a warm atmosphere and spectacular armies - our generals had really gone out of their way to produce impeccable paintjobs and memorable conversions. We hope to continue with the same hype in January and see you all in the events to come!

First Round Pairings and Results
0 Toni Kääpä vs Pietari Jukarainen 20
20 Jaska Kauppila vs Eetu Torikka 0
5 Nicolas Barban vs Darryn Lee 15
20 Teemu Sihvonen vs Stefan Sjöström 0
0 Janne Tiihonen vs Jari Rusomaa 20
0 Joonas Peltomaa vs Jussi Salonen 20
0 Tomi Hurme vs Anton Patrikainen 20
5 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Karri Kauppila 15

Second Round Pairings and Results
0 Janne Tiihonen vs Toni Kääpä 20
20 Jaska Kauppila vs Jari Rusomaa 0
20 Eetu Torikka vs Jesper Kuusela 0
0 Joonas Peltomaa vs Ville Kariola 20
0 Tomi Hurme vs Stefan Sjöström 20
5 Teemu Sihvonen vs Anton Patrikainen 15
20 Karri Kauppila vs Darryn Lee 0
20 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Nicolas Barban 0
0 Jussi Salonen vs Pietari Jukarainen 20

Third Round Pairings and Results
0 Karri Kauppila vs Anton Patrikainen 20
0 Kimmo Kokkarinen vs Teemu Sihvonen 20
15 Janne Tiihonen vs Tomi Hurme 5
0 Eetu Torikka vs Jussi Salonen 20
0 Jaska Kauppila vs Pietari Jukarainen 20
0 Toni Kääpä vs Stefan Sjöström 20
0 Joonas Peltomaa vs Nicolas Barban 20
20 Ville Kariola vs Jari Rusomaa 0
0 Darryn Lee vs Jesper Kuusela 20

Final Standings with Hobby Score
1. Pietari Jukarainen, Nighthaunt 63
2. Anton Patrikainen, Nurgle 60
3. Teemu Sihvonen, Flesh-eater Courts 49
4. Jussi Salonen, Gloomspite Gitz 45
5. Ville Kariola, Gloomspite Gitz 44
6. Stefan Sjöström, Flesh-eater Courts 44
7. Jaska Kauppila, Fyreslayers 43
8. Karri Kauppila, Ossiarch Bonereapers 39
9. Kimmo Kokkarinen, Ossiarch Bonereapers 28
10. Nicolas Barban, Nurgle 27
11. Jesper Kuusela, Nighthaunt 23
12. Toni Kääpä, Stormcast Eternals 23
13. Jari Rusomaa, Ironjawz 23
14. Eetu Torikka, Fyreslayers 22
15. Darryn Lee, Idoneth Deepkin 19
16. Janne Tiihonen, Nurgle 18
17. Tomi Hurme, Stormcast Eternals 9
18. Joonas Peltomaa, Flesh-eater Courts 5

Best Army: Juzzipalooza, Goblins
Coolest Roster: Deepkin Lee, Idoneth

Nicolas Barban

Harbinger of Decay (160)
- General
- Trait: Pestilent Breath
- Artefact: The Endless Gift
Lord of Blights (140)
Gutrot Spume (140)
Sorcerer (120)
- Artefact: Muttergrub
- Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall

10 x Putrid Blightkings (320)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
5 x Putrid Blightkings (160)
15 x Chaos Warriors (270)
- Hand Weapon & Shield

2 x Pusgoyle Blightlords (200)

Blight Cyst (200)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 151

Anton Patrikainen

- General
- Lore of Virulence: Glorious Afflictions
Snowball the Unclean (340)
Great Unclean One
- Plague Flail & Massive Bilesword
Étu the Rotten (140)
Lord of Blights
- Artefact: Rustfang
Jan Nerkhast the Ever-Smiling (160)
Harbinger of Decay

The Rot (160)
5 x Putrid Blightkings
The Plague (160)
5 x Putrid Blightkings
30 x Plaguebearers (320)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 120

Jari Rusomaa

- Warclan: Ironjawz

Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (460)
- General
- Boss Choppa and Rip-tooth fist
- Trait: Live to Fight
- Artefact: Destroyer
- Mount Trait: Mean 'Un
Orruk Megaboss (150)
- Artefact: The Golden Toof
Orruk Warchanter (110)
- Warbeat: Get 'Em Beat
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (110)
- Lore of the Weird: Da Great Big Green Hand of Gork

20 x Orruk Ardboys (360)
10 x Orruk Brutes (280)
- Pair of Brute Choppas
- 2x Gore Choppas
6 x Orruk Gore-gruntas (320)
- Jagged Gore-hackas

Ironfist (160)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 134

Joonas Peltomaa
Flesh Eater Courts

- Grand Court: Blisterskin
Mortal Realm: Hysh

Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)
- Artefact: Eye of Hysh
- Lore of Madness: Spectral Host
- Mount Trait: Death from The Skies
Abhorrant Archregent (240)
- Lore of Madness: Miasmal Shroud
Abhorrant Archregent (240)
- Lore of Madness: Deranged Transformation
Crypt Ghast Courtier (60)

9 x Crypt Flayers (510)
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)
10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Chalice of Ushoran (50)
Chronomantic Cogs (80)
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1970 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 98

Jussi Salonen
Gloomspite Gitz

Skragrott, The Loonking (220)
- General
- Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of Gork
Fungoid Cave-Shaman (90)
- Lore of the Moonclans: The Great Green Spite
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs (280)
- Artefact: The Clammy cowl
Loonboss (70)
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)
- Moon-cutta
20 x Shootas (120)
- 3x Barbed Nets
- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
60 x Stabbas (360)
- Pokin Spears & Moon Shields
- 9x Barbed Nets
- 1x Moonclan Flag Bearers
- 1x Badmoon Icon Bearers
6 x Squig Herd (70)
5 x Boingrot Bounderz (100)
5 x Loonsmasha Fanatics (140)
5 x Sporesplatta Fanatics (120)
6 x Rockgut Troggoths (280)
Scuttletide (30)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0

Teemu Sihvonen
Flesh Eater Courts

- Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day
Mortal Realm: Ghur

Crypt Haunter Courtier (120)
- General
- Trait: Dark Acolyte - Blood Feast
Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon (440)
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm
- Lore of Madness: Spectral Host
- Mount Trait: Horribly Resilient
Abhorrant Archregent (240)
- Artefact: The Dermal Robe
- Lore of Madness: Deranged Transformation

9 x Crypt Horrors (450)
6 x Crypt Horrors (300)
20 x Crypt Ghouls (200)

Abattoir (120)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Chalice of Ushoran (50)
Cadaverous Barricade (40)

Total: 1960 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 107
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 169

Karri Kauppila
Ossiarch Bonereapers

- Legion: Null Myriad

Liege-Kavalos (200)
- General
- Trait: Unsettling and Sinister
- Artefact: Baleful Blade
Mortisan Boneshaper (130)
- Lore of Mortisans: Empower Nadirite Weapons
Mortisan Soulmason (140)
- Lore of Mortisans: Reinforce Battle-shields
Mortisan Soulreaper (120)
- Lore of Mortisans: Arcane Command

20 x Mortek Guard (260)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield
- 2x Soulcleaver Greatblades
10 x Mortek Guard (130)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield
- 1x Soulcleaver Greatblades
5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield

3 x Immortis Guard (200)
3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)

Gothizzar Harvester (200)
Mortek Crawler (200)

Endless Spells
Bone-tithe Shrieker (30)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Wounds: 113

Pietari Jukarainen

Dreadblade Harrow (90)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Spirit Hosts
Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
- Artefact: Midnight Tome
- Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage
Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
- Artefact: Balefire Blade
Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (220)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
Spirit Torment (120)
- Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind

10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
10 x Chainrasp Horde (80)
5 x Hexwraiths (140)
5 x Hexwraiths (140)

10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)
10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)

Black Coach (260)

Deathriders (130)
Shroudguard (110)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 100

Jaska Kauppila


Runefather on Magmadroth
- Kenraali
- Iron will of the Guardian c. trait
- Coal heart ancient magmadroth trait

Runesmiter on Magmadroth
- Droth-helm artifact
- Prayer of Ash

Runeson on Magmadroth
- Coal heart ancient magmadroth trait


- Ash-cloud rune artifact
- Emberstorm prayer


Vulkite Berzerkers x 20
- Axes

Vulkite Berzerkers x 20
- Shield and Pickaxe

Vulkite Berzerkers x 10
- Shield and Pickaxe


Warrior Kinband
Magmic Invocation:
Molten Infernoth

1990 Points

Darryn Lee
Idoneth Deepkin

Enclave: DHOM-HAIN

Akhelian King 240pts
Role: Leader
Quantity: 1
Command Trait: Born From Agony
Artefact: Ankusha Spur

Isharann Tidecaster 100pts
Role: Leader
Quantity: 1
Spell: Steed of Tides

Eidolon of Mathlann 420pts
Role: Leader
Quantity: 1
Spell: Arcane Corrasion

Akhelian Ishlaen Guard 140pts
Role: Battleline
Quantity: 3
Upgrade: Command Group

Akhelian Morrsarr Guard 340pts
Role: Battleline
Quantity: 6
Upgrade: Command Group

Namarti Thralls 130pts
Role: Battleline
Quantity: 10
Upgrade: Icon Bearer

Akhelian Leviadon 350pts
Role: Behemoth
Quantity: 1

Akhelian Allopexes 240pts
Role: Other
Quantity: 2

Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws 30pts
Role: Endless Spell

Toni Kääpä
Stormcast Eternals

- Stormhost: Hammers of Sigmar

Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (560)
- Celestine Hammer
- Artefact : God-forged Blade
Lord-Arcanum on Celestial Dracoline (220)
- General
- Command Trait : We Cannot Fail

2 x Fulminators (240)
5 x Judicators (160)
- Skybolt Bows
- 1 x Shockbolt Bows
5 x Liberators (100)
- Warhammer & Shield
- 1 x Grandhammers
10 x Sequitors (260)
- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
- 4 x Stormsmite Greatmaces
3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)
5 x Evocators (220)
- 1 x Grandstaves
- Lore of Invigoration : Celestial Blades

Ville Kariola
Gloomspite Gitz

Elite Guard of King Phalloides Ironfist the Knight of Mork

Mortal Realm: Ghur

King Phalloides Ironfist (80)
Madcap Shaman
- Artefact: Moonface Mommet
- Lore of the Moonclans: Squig Lure
Gyromitra the Bouncy One (110)
Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig
- Moonclan Stabba
- Artefact: The Clammy cowl
Fly Agaric Morks Chosen (280)
Loonboss on Mangler Squigs
- General
- Trait: Fight Another Day
- Artefact: Gryph-feather Charm

Hunting Squigs of King Phalloides (140)
12 x Squig Herd
Hunting Squigs of King Phalloides (70)
6 x Squig Herd
Hunting Squigs of King Phalloides (70)
6 x Squig Herd

Knights of Mork (200)
10 x Boingrot Bounderz
Knights of Mork (200)
10 x Boingrot Bounderz

Mouth of Mork. Mother of all Squigs (300)
Colossal Squig
Da Weird One (240)
Mangler Squigs

Squig Rider Stampede (140)
Squigalanche (90)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Chronomantic Cogs (80)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 2
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 138

Eetu Torikka

- Lodge: Vostarg

Auric Runefather on Magmadroth (280)
- General
- Trait: Fiery Endurance
Auric Runemaster (120)
- Prayer: Prayer of Ash
Battlesmith (140)
Grimwrath Berzerker (100)
- Artefact: Vosaxe
Auric Runesmiter (120)
- Runic Iron
- Prayer: Molten Infusion
Doomseeker (100)
- Artefact: Bracers of Ember-iron

10 x Hearthguard Berzerkers (240)
- Broadaxes
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (320)
- War-Picks & Slingshields
20 x Vulkite Berzerkers (320)
- Pairs of Handaxes

Lords of the Lodge (140)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Molten Infernoth (50)
Zharrgron Flame-spitter (60)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 141

Janne Tiihonen

Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount (140)
- General
- Trait: Overpowering Stench
- Artefact: The Shield of Growths
Chaos Sorcerer Lord on Manticore (200)
- Lore of Foulness: Plague Squall
Sorcerer (120)
- Lore of Malignance: Blades of Putrefaction

20 x Chaos Warriors (360)
- Hand Weapon & Shield
5 x Chaos Warriors (90)
- Hand Weapon & Shield
5 x Chaos Warriors (90)
- Hand Weapon & Shield

10 x Chaos Knights (320)
- Chaos Glaives
1 x Chaos Warshrine (160)
1 x Chaos Gorebeast Chariots (100)
- Greatblade
1 x Chaos Gorebeast Chariots (100)
- Greatblade
3 x Varanguard (260)
- Fellspear
- 3x Fellspears
- Allies

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Extra Command Point (50)

Total: 1990 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 260 / 400
Wounds: 158

Kimmo Kokkarinen
Ossiarch Bonereapers

- Legion: Null Myriad

Mortisan Soulmason (140)
Arkhan the Black, Mortarch of Sacrament (360)
Liege-Kavalos (200)
- General
- Trait: Unsettling and Sinister
- Artefact: Baleful Blade

10 x Mortek Guard (130)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield
- 1x Soulcleaver Greatblades
10 x Mortek Guard (130)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield
- 1x Soulcleaver Greatblades
10 x Mortek Guard (130)
- Nadirite Blade and Shield
- 1x Soulcleaver Greatblades

4 x Morghast Harbingers (420)
- Spirit Halberds
3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)
- 1x Dread Falchions

Mortek Crawler (200)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Bone-tithe Shrieker (30)
Nightmare Predator (40)

Total: 1980 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 0
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 101

Jesper Kuusela

Mortal Realm: Ghyran

Lord Executioner (80)
- General
- Trait: Hatred of the Living
- Artefact: Ghyrstrike
Guardian of Souls with Nightmare Lantern (140)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Shademist
- Infernal Lantern (Artefact): Beacon of Nagashizzar
Spirit Torment (120)
Reikenor the Grimhailer (170)
- Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage
Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed (120)
Knight of Shrouds (100)

3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
3 x Spirit Hosts (120)
5 x Hexwraiths (140)
10 x Grimghast Reapers (160)

10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)
10 x Bladegheist Revenants (180)

Execution Horde (100)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Purple Sun of Shyish (50)
Chronomantic Cogs (80)
Vault of Souls (20)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 100

Tomi Hurme
Stormcast Eternals

- Stormhost: Celestial Warbringers
Mortal Realm: Shyish

Lord-Arcanum Maximus (220)
Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger
- General
- Trait: Portents and Omens
- Artefact: Ethereal Amulet
- Spell: Azyrite Halo
- Mount Trait: Wind Runner
Averus Stormsire (140)
- Spell: Stormcaller
Eleia Dragonheart (140)
- Spell: Chain Lightning
Marcus Trollbane (140)
- Artefact: Hammers of Aurgury

Wrathhammers (260)
10 x Sequitors
- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
- 5x Stormsmite Greatmaces
Storm Brothers (130)
5 x Sequitors
- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
- 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces
Storm Brothers (130)
5 x Sequitors
- Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
- 2x Stormsmite Greatmaces

Order of the Scroll strike team (220)
5 x Evocators
- 2x Grandstaves
- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning
Order of the Scroll strike team (220)
5 x Evocators
- 2x Grandstaves
- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of Lightning

War Machines
Heavenly Rain (110)
Celestar Ballista
Righteous Fury (110)
Celestar Ballista

Cleansing Phalanx (120)

Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Extra Command Points: 1
Allies: 0 / 400
Wounds: 106

Stefan Sjöström
Flesh-eater Courts

Hosts of Grace
Grand Court: Gristlegore

Extra command point purchased (50pts)


Lord Vlaadesh - Abhorrant Ghoul King 420pts
Command Trait: Savage Strike
Artefact: Ghurish Mawshard
Spell: Blood Feast
Mount Trait: Razor-clawed

Prince Voldain of Highhaven - Abhorrant Archregent 240pts
Artefact: The Dermal  Robe
Spell: Miasmal Shroud

Moresh the fierce - Abhorrant Ghoul King 160pts
Spell: Miasmal Shroud

Morien the mad - Abhorrant Ghoul King 420pts
Spell: Spectral Host
Mount Trait: Razorclawed

Athan - Crypt Ghast Courtier 60pts


Crypt Ghouls 100pts
Quantity: 10
Crypt Ghouls 100pts
Quantity: 10
Crypt Ghouls 100pts
Quantity: 10

Ghoul Patrol 180pts

Endless Spells

Cadaverous Barricade 40pts
Chalice of Ushoran 50pts
Corpsemare Stampede 70pts

Total: 1990/2000pts