The third game of the tournament saw my White Scars take on Aidan's Imperium force, consisting of Astra Militarum, Space Marines and Blood Angels. The mission for game 3 was Visions of Victory, using Search and Deploy deployment zone.

My army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment
Captain on Bike- Twin Bolter, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Chogorian Storm, Master of Snares, Wrath of the Heavens
Librarian- Jump Pack, Force Stave, Mantle of the Stormseer, Ride the Winds, Storm-wreathed
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Intercessors- Bolt Rifles, Bolt Pistols
5 Scouts Bikers- Twin Bolters, Shotguns, Combat Knives

Battalion Detachment
Captain- Jump Pack, Master-crafted Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield
Lieutenant- Jump Pack, Power Axe, MC Bolter
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistol, Combat Knives

Spearhead Detachment
Chaplain- Jump Pack, Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol, Litan of Hate
10 Vanguard Veterans- 5 with 2 Chainswords, 5 with two Lightning Claws
5 Vanguard Veterans- Chainswords and Plasma Pistols
5 Devastators- Bolters, 2 Missile Launchers, Heavy Bolter
5 Devastators- Bolters, 2 Missile Launchers
Thunderfire Cannon- Techmarine Gunner with Flamer, Plasma Cutter, 2 Servo-arms

Aidan's army consisted of:
Battalion Detachment (Ravenguard)
Ravenguard Successor- Master Artisans, Whirlwind of Rage
Captain- Chainsword, Jump Pack, Shadowmaster, Storm Shield
Chaplain- Jump Pack, Litany of Hate, Canticle of Hate, Benediction of Fury
5 Scouts- Bolters
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistols, Combat Knives
5 Scouts- Bolt Pistols, Combat Knives
4 Aggressors- Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets, Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

Brigade Detachment (Catachan)
Colonel Iron Hand Straken
Company Commander- Boltgun, Power Fist
Sly Marbo
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Infantry Squad- Lasguns
Astropath- Mental Fortitude
Munitorium Priest- Laspistol
Platoon Commander- Boltgun
Scout Sentinel- Multi-laser
Scout Sentinel- Multi-laser
Scout Sentinel- Multi-laser
Heavy Weapons Team- Mortars
Heavy Weapons Team- Mortars
Heavy Weapons Team- Mortars

Supreme Command Detachment (Blood Angels)
Captain- Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Hammer of Baal (relic Thunder Hammer)
Captain- Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
Librarian Dreadnought- Furioso Fist, Storm Bolter, Quickening, Artisan of War, Wings of Sanguinius

That's a lot of bodies! The army had a lot of board control with the Infantry squads, some good firepower with the Aggressors and Mortar teams, as well as some combat ability with the Smash Captains.
I think the army had the firepower to deal with a lot of the Infantry squads if I could get line of sight to them. My own characters might be able to deal with the enemy characters if I could get the drop on them. Also, the Catachans with Straken and the Priest could put out a lot of pain.

We set up the objectives as shown below:

We would be using ITC ruins rules in this game to give us some line of sight blocking on the board. Aidan chose the deployment zone and I deployed my forces first.

I decided to deploy my combat unit of Vanguard Veterans on the board this game, putting them up front with the Chaplain, Lieutenant and Jump Pack Captain. On the right flank, I put the Bikers, Librarian and Biker Captain. I hid the Thunderfire Cannon behind cover, using the Devastators to screen my backfield units from the enemy Smash Captains. I spent a CP to outflank one unit of Intercessors and put one on each flank. I put the combat Scouts in the centre, and the Bolter Scouts on each flank, out of line of sight in the ruins near the objectives. I put the Plasma Pistol Vanguard Veterans in reserve.

In reply, Aidan put his Mortar teams deep in his deployment zone, with the Guardsmen screening in front of them. The Librarian Dreadnought on one of the Captains went in the centre. He put two Sentinels on his left, along with two units of Scouts near the objective on his left. The other Sentinel and unit of Scouts went on the right flank.

Before the game began, his Ravenguard Captain and Aggressors redeployed on the left flank using his warlord trait. I chose to take the first turn and Aidan failed to seize the initiative.

My plan was to try and pin him into his deployment zone, while going after the maelstrom cards. If I could draw well in the cards and stop him from grabbing too many objectives, I would be in with a shot in this game.

In my first turn, the cards that Aidan picked for me were Assassinate, Secure Objective 2, Secure Objective 3 and Defend Objective 6. Not a great round of cards picked for me. Objective 2 and 6 were highly unlikely, and it would be hard to get to any characters for Assassinate. The Chaplain's Canticle of Hate was successful.

The two units of Scouts moved back towards their lines after scouting ahead. The unit on the right flank had too many enemy units to contend with, so I pulled them back so as not to give a free kill. The other unit moved back to help screen against the enemy Captains from reserve or using the stratagem to allow them to re-deploy.

The Vanguard Veterans and Scout Bikers advanced towards the Infantry Squads in front of them, while the Captain and Librarian moved up on the Scout Sentinel.

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Storm-wreathed on the Veterans, protecting them from enemy overwatch. He then failed to cast Ride the Winds.

The Thunderfire Cannon fired at the Aggressors. I used the Tremor Shells stratagem to slow their movement, doing one wound on the unit. On the left flank, the Intercessors and Scouts fired at the enemy Scouts, killing the unit for First Strike. The Devastators fired at the Sentinel, but failed to do any damage.

In the charge phase, the Captain and Lieutenant assaulted the Scout Sentinel, while the Vanguard Veterans and Scout Bikers charged two Infantry Squads.

The Captain struck down the Sentinel with his Thunder Hammer, the enemy vehicle blowing up and wounding him and the Lieutenant. The Vanguard Veterans killed one Infantry Squad, while the Scout Bikers killed another.

At the end of my turn, I scored First Strike and Secure Objective 3, I discarded Defend Objective 6. A pretty decent start for me. I had done a bit of damage to a few squads and slowed down the Aggressors.

In his first turn, Aidan got Secure Objective 1, Mission Critical Objective 6, Big Game Hunter and Purity Through Bloodshed.

A Blood Angels Captain and the Chaplain moved up on the Scout Bikers. The Infantry Squads moved towards the right flank, joined by the Astra Militarum characters. The Aggressors slowly advanced on the left flank, joined by the Captain and two Sentinels.

The Librarian Dreadnought cast Wings of Sanguinius on himself, moving over the ruins. He then failed to cast Quickening. The Astropath cast Mental Fortitude on an Infantry Squad.

The Guard Infantry Squads that could see the Vanguard Veterans fired on them with First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire, killing 7 in total with their combined firepower. Other firepower went into the Scout Bikers, doing a single wound.

The Mortar teams fired at the Scouts in the centre of the deployment zone, killing four in total. The Aggressors were out of range to fire on the enemy forces.

In the charge phase, two Infantry Squads charged the Vanguard Veterans. The Blood Angels Captain and the Chaplain charged the Scout Bikers. The Librarian Dreadnought assaulted the Chaplain.

The Chaplain struck at the Scout Bikers, killing one, while the Captain was able to slay three more, leaving one remaining. The Librarian Dreadnought did three wounds on the Chaplain, but I made all my saves with a CP re-roll. The Catachan Infantry was able to kill the last of the Vanguard Veterans.

The Scout Biker failed to harm the enemy Chaplain, while the White Scars Chaplain did two damage on the Dreadnought.

At the end of the phase, Aidan spent 3CP to fight again with the Librarian Dreadnought, but only managed to do a single wound, which I saved with the Rosarius. In the morale phase, the Scout Biker and Scout passed their morale tests.

At the end of the turn, Aidan scored Mission Critical Objective and First Strike, choosing to discard Big Game Hunter.

White Scars- 2
Imperium- 2

At the end of the first turn, we were equal on points. Both sides had taken some damage, with the White Scars losing more valuable units at the moment, as the Guard had only lost two Infantry Squads and a Sentinel.

In my second turn, I had Assassinate and Secure Objective 2, while I got picked for me Secure Objective 5 and Priority Orders Received (Secure Objective 2). I changed to the Tactical Doctrine, and the Chaplain used his Litany to provide re-rolls.

The lone Scout Biker fell back towards the objective, while the Biker Captain and Librarian moved up on the Librarian Dreadnought. The Captain and Lieutenant moved up on the enemy characters.

In the psychic phase, the White Scars Librarian attempted to manifest his powers, but they were blocked by the enemy psykers.

On the left flank, the Scouts and Intercessors fired at the Chaplain, taking three wounds from him. The Captain threw a Krak grenade, killing the Chaplain. The Devastators were able to fire at the Blood Angels Captain, wounding him once, but he made his invulnerable save with a CP re-roll. The Thunderfire Cannon targeted a mortar team, killing two of the squad. I was trying to clear some room for my reserves to come in at the back of his deployment zone.

In the charge phase, the Captain and Lieutenant charged the enemy Captain. The Biker Captain and Librarian assaulted the Librarian Dreadnought.

The Biker Captain struck at the Dreadnought, killing it. Aidan spent 2CP to fight with the Librarian in death, doing three wounds on the Captain, but I made all my invulnerable saves. He then spent 2CP to interrupt with his Captain, slaying the White Scars Lieutenant and putting 2 wounds on my Captain, which I saved with a CP re-roll.

The White Scars Captain then struck back, killing the enemy Blood Angels Captain.

At the end of my turn, I scored Assassinate for 2 points, Secure Objective 5 and Slay the Warlord. I discarded Priority Orders Received.

In his turn, Aidan had Secure Objective 1, Purity Through Bloodshed and I picked Secure Objective 6 and Hold the Line for him.

The Infantry squads moved up on the enemy forces on the right, while the Aggressors advanced towards the enemy forces on the right.

The Astropath tried to cast Smite, but failed to manifest the power.

The Commander ordered the Infantry Squads to fire on the Jump Pack Captain (using First Rank Fire), doing four wounds on him with the two squads. The Guard Characters opened fire on him, killing him with their Bolters.

The other Infantry Squads fired at the Scout Biker, killing him in a hail of lasgun fire. This opened the Mortars to fire on the Libarian, doing two wounds on him. The Sentinels fired on the Intercessors in the ruins, wounding them once.

There were no charges, as none of the Imperial forces were close enough.

At the end of his turn, Aidan scored Secure Objective 6 and Hold the Line, discarding Purity Through Bloodshed.

White Scars- 6
Imperium- 4

In my turn, I had Secure Objective 2, Secure Objective 4, Secure Objective 6 and Overwhelming Firepower. I switched to the Assault Doctrine and got re-rolls with the Chaplain.

On the left flank, the Scouts moved back towards the objective. In the centre, the Captain, Chaplain and Librarian advanced on the Aggressors. On the right flank, the Scouts and Intercessors moved up on the enemy Scouts.

At the end of the phase, I brought the Vanguard Veterans on the north, while the Intercessors were able to fit in to the south near the Scouts.

In the psychic phase, the Librarian cast Storm-wreathed on the Biker Captain, then cast Smite, killing one Aggressor.

In the shooting phase, the two Intercessor squads fired at the enemy Scouts, killing two from each squad. On the other flank, the Intercessors and Devastators fired at the Infantry Squads, killing half the squad. The Thunderfire Cannon was able to kill another squad.

In the charge phase, the Captain assaulted the Aggressors, while the Intercessors charged the Scouts. My Scouts charged the Space Marine Scouts, losing one to overwatch fire.

The Biker Captain cut down the Aggressors with his Thunder Hammer. My Scouts killed one enemy Scout, while three of the squad were cut down in reply. The Intercessors killed three Scouts for no loss in reply.

At the end of my turn, I scored Secure Objective 4, Secure Objective 6 and Overwhelming Firepower. I discarded Secure Objective 2.

In his turn, Aidan had Priority Orders Received (Assassinate), Behind Enemy Lines and Psychological Warfare.

The Space Marine Captain moved up on the White Scars characters, supported by the Infantry Squads. On the other flank, the Infantry Squads and characters moved up on the Vanguard Veterans. Sly Marbo arrived on the field, landing near the Thunderfire Cannon.

Sly opened up on the Techmarine, but failed to do any damage. The Infantry Squads fired at the Biker Captain, doing two wounds on him. The Sentinels fired at him, but failed to do any damage. The Captain threw a grenade at him, but failed to do any damage. The Mortar teams added their firepower, but failed to do any damage.

On the other flank, the Infantry Squads and Guard Characters fired on the Vanguard Veterans, killing the squad.

In the charge phase, the Space Marine Captain assaulted the White Scars Captain, while the Chaplain heroically intervened.

The Captain struck at the White Scar, doing 6 wounds, one of which got through his armour. The White Scars Captain struck back, slaying the Space Marine Captain. Aidan used the stratagem to allow the Captain to fight in death, doing three wounds, but I made all my saves.

At the end of his turn, Aidan scored Behind Enemy Lines and discarded Priority Orders Received.

White Scars- 9
Imperium- 5

At the end of turn 3, I was in a good position. Ahead by four points, and with good unit positioning on the board.

In my fourth turn, I had No Prisoners, Defend Objective 2, Defend Objective 5 and Master the Warp.

The Captain, Librarian and Chaplain moved up on the Mortar teams, while the Intercessors moved up on the Infantry Squad.

The Librarian cast Storm-wreathed on the Captain, with a CP re-roll, then cast Smite, killing three of the nearby Infantry Squad.

The Thunderfire Cannon targeted the Infantry Squad, wiping them out. Near the objective, the two Intercessors squads fired at the remaining enemy Scouts, killing both squads. The rest of the army fired at the Mortar Teams, killing one squad and wounding the others. In the backfield, the Devastators fired on Sly Marbo, killing him.

In the charge phase, the Captain charged one Mortar squad, while the Chaplain charged another, both succeeding in wiping them out in combat.

At the end of my turn, I scored No Prisoners for two points and one for Master the Warp.

In his turn, Aidan had Secure Objective 1, Secure Objective 4, and two blood angels cards; kill an enemy unit with a fly unit, and kill an enemy unit.

The Blood Angels Captain moved up on the nearby Intercessors, supported by two Infantry Squads. The Astropath moved towards the White Scars Captain, as two more Infantry Squads converged on the enemy characters.

The Astropath attempted to Smite, but failed to manifest the power.

The Infantry Squads opened fired on the White Scars Captain, doing one wound with their combined firepower. The Astropath then fired a Pistol, killing the enemy Warlord. The other Infantry Squads fired at the Intercessors, killing one.

In the charge phase, the Guardsmen assaulted the Librarian on one flank, while the Infantry Squad and Blood Angels Captain charged the Intercessors on the right flank.

Both the Intercessors and Librarian were cut down by the enemy attacks.

At the end of his turn, Aidan scored Slay the Warlord and the two Blood Angels cards. I scored Defend Objective 4.

The game ended there, and we both scored Linebreaker.

White Scars- 15
Imperium- 8

That was a tough game, despite what the score said.

There were a few key points in the game that I think helped swing it in my favour. The first was shutting down the Aggressors. I was surprised when Aidan chose to re-position them where he did, as I thought he would be more aggressive with the unit. Had he got the first turn, he probably would have done so. I chose to back off with the Scouts on turn 1 and avoid that flank with the bulk of my forces, not wanting to take their firepower head on. The Tremor Shells stratagem allowed me to slow down their movement. My Biker Captain could then go in, protected from their overwatch fire and take out the squad, without them having fired a single shot the whole game.

The Captain also did well against the Librarian Dreadnought. I got very lucky with the Chaplain's invulnerable saves to keep it tied up in combat. Had he failed a single save, he would have been slain by the 4 damage weapon.

Once again, the firepower and durability of the Intercessors was great in this game, able to stand up to the attacks of the enemy army for the most part.

I was worried about the number of troops in the enemy army. That many Guardsmen could exert a lot of board control and keep me boxed out of the objectives. However, by getting the first turn and going aggressive, I was able to take out a couple of units on my first turn. The remaining units could still do a lot of damage though. With First Rank Fire, Second Rank Fire, a couple of Infantry squads can seriously worry a Space Marine unit.

The boost to S4 for Catachans, as well as the bonuses from the Priest and Straken meant that the units were still pretty formidable in combat, as my Vanguard Veterans found out.

Overall, a good game. I got some good maelstrom cards and was able to play them well in most of my turns. I like this mission, where your opponent picks your cards for you. It means that you are generally getting tough cards and evens out the luck of the deck in most games.