Do you remember equis tyranus? If not, go check it out. In that WFB battle The Bob 's High Elves kicked the tar out of my Orcs and Gobos but not without losing a few elves in the process, thanks mostly to my Fanatics. I declared in the wrap-up that battle report that I needed some more. Soon after that declaration, I found three very old miniatures on Ebay that I thought would fit the bill nicely.

Fanatic reinforcements.
After I gritted up their bases, it was time to prime them. I opted not to strip the paint off of the one model that had a green base coat and his metal ball painted like an 8 ball as these were fairly thin coats and not really worth the effort. I just took them outside and primed them in Chaos Black.

 Base coated.
Next I added the Caliban Green to the skin to form the base coat. The next layer after that was Goblin Green.

Following this was a thick liberal wash of my ork skin ink mix. Again, this is green and yellow ink mixed to a color similar to anti-freeze and thinned with a little bit of water.

The wash stage...

And... that's as far as I managed to get so far. Things are still a bit slow in the hobby side of my life, but I hope to get these guys completed by the New Year despite the challenges before me...