Despite how I did on my resolutions last year, I'm not deterred.  I think these resolutions help push me to try to get certain tasks done that I want completed, and despite failing last year, I really did make an effort along a few fronts.

This year, I'm going to keep the same number, and the keep the same goal 'themes', but I'll put more realistic numbers, and try to at least get moving in the right direction.

Get 10 painting points
Okay, this isn't a big drop from last year's goal, but I really think if I just focus, I can get some painting done.  I'd love to be able to post painting progress for once.  Let's try to do that this year, eh?

Reduce number of unplayed games by 10
I am currently sitting at 260.  That's quite an increase from last year, but it isn't solely that I've been purchasing games.  Part of this is really a mistake in how I was keeping track of games before, but that has been corrected.  So, the goal, plain and simple, is to end the year with only 250 unplayed games.

Play 30 games of Warmachine/Hordes
I played 21 games last year.  I'll try to push myself to get more in this year.

Read 25 books
I read 21 books last year, exceeding my goal.  I want to push myself to read even more this year, and this seems like a good goal.

Lose 25 pounds
Oh boy- I won't list my weight here for now, but suffice to say, it's higher than I want.  I'm going to do my damnedest to reverse the weight gaining trend this year.

So, that's that- I will post an update in March, June, and September, and see how I'm coming along.

What about you?  What resolutions have you made for the upcoming year?