Over the last couple of weeks I have bathed and started cleaning up my new Reaver titan. This will together with Varangian and my Warbringer make up the second titan maniple of the Northern Ghosts (it will actually be the first maniple as it contains Varangian). To keep with the Norse theme of the Northern Ghosts I named the Reaver Fenrir and the Warbringer Surtr (if I ever get another battle titan it will be named Jormungandr, but that is for another time).

The basic idea with Fenrir is a zombie wolf where the armor is falling of in stripes reveling bone etc beneath. First I will be to try changing the head into a wolfs head and then zombiefy it a bit as well as adding my usual chaos growths. The main back carapace will  have ribs breaking through the sides as well as the back. On the reactor cowlings I will make some hipbones sticking out as wings around the voild shield projectors. It will look a bit like an overgrown chaos Warhound as the structure of the body actually is quite similar. So far I have not gotten the far but at least it is a start.