Wow, what a year. There were plenty of new additions to my growing forces. A highlight of the year was the addition of the Warlord 'Hell's Daughter' to my titan legion. What made it even better was that I set myself a very tight timescale, ready in time for the Titan Owners Club walk in the summer. I managed to get the Warlord done within 3 months. I had also completed a Warbringer in a similar time scale. Both I feel look great, and am really happy with the results.
Siph's and my Maniples - Crucius and Astorum
On a 40k front I made some progress with minimising the 'to-do-pile' however this seems to have grown again.. must work harder! I've added sisters of silence and some deathwatch to the Imperial forces I own.
For 2020 -

I am aiming to make a proper dent in the pile of plastic, there will be more Deathwatch stuff, and Adeptus Custodes. I am also looking to finally complete and finish all my Imperial Knights with transfers and banners to do. I am looking at the option for another Titan this year, with this potentially being a Reaver. we will see.
One of the year's highlights, the Titan Owners Club Walk UK
I also want to have more battles - this work thing gets in the way. There is a Titan Owners Club UK Walk planned again this year, and with a smaller demonstration in February.
Loads on - here's to a great 2020! Cheers, LH