Hello Knight Scions and Princeps all, here is a mighty addition to the Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum that support my Legio Astorum Titan Maniple. I bought this part painted from my good friend and fellow Legio Astorum Princeps John. His trim colour was different from mine, however the blue panels and endoskeleton were very useable and match my existing Knights and Armigers.
First job was to deconstruct the Knight to add leg extensions and toe armour from Shapeways. These knee joints give an extra inch of height to the already larger Dominus Knight, I wanted this Castellan to be the High King of my Vassal Knights so he will even tower over the planned Knight Valiant.
Here is the toe armour, reminiscent of the Warlord Titan, I like this little addition. It also has Heraldic Shields like the Warlord Titan.
And here is the completed Knight after a week of re-trimming, applying the decals for Legio Astorum and rebuilding and re-basing. I touched up the metal pistons with a line of grime with Chestnut Ink, the barrels with heat staining washes Nuln Oil / Asurman Blue / Purple / Sepia. I also drybrushed the black on smoke stacks and muzzles. Painted up some wires and copper pipes etc, plus finished off the main arm weapons and all the AdMech cog and skull icons.
The heraldic shields were also Shapeways additions, I added suitable Astorum decals from the FW decal sheet on a base of yellow.
The slate on the bases was from the garden, washed and dried and glued down. I drybrushed these with the highlight colours of the base to blend in.
Here is four of the AdMech icons, there is another two on the  Plasma Decimator.
As an added bonus, John had also magnetised the cannons and Sheildbreaker Missiles so I can swap them out for eachother. I'm currently working on my own Dominus Class Valiant Knight so will be able to do a height comparison soon, but for now have some Titan / Knight comparisons!
And here is the largest Knight with the much larger Warlord Titan, the Knight Castellan looks tiny!
And lastly, a comparison to the much smaller (compared to the Warlord) scout class Warhound Titan. Very pleased with the Knight from John, hopefully he is happy it went to a good home and is now incorporated into the Vassal Knights of Legio Astorum.

Cheers, Siph. (10pts, half points for part painted)