The completed Concrete Walls set from Antenociti's Workshop Surround the Data Trust from the same provider. I'll visit the Data Trust in more detail later as I'm working on the interior details at the moment.
For scale today are Mantic GCPS special forces from the Star Saga game.
I elected to do about 1/3 of the Concrete Walls with some level of graffiti and posters etc... the rest are plain. The walls with graffiti have the adornments applied to one side only as I think compounds generally tend to have graffiti outside but not inside.
Metro 378 replete with adverts. You'll see various smaller corner stops around the Undertown as well which are simple schedule posts marking a pickup point so this is a major transfer stop.
More walls. I learned a lot from doing these. Importantly that the best way to reduce their MDF heritage was to paint the edges of the lugs and joins. This can be much more easily done before assembly... but I figured that out after they were built so.. the hard way it is!
Now I'll want to go back to the earlier builds, like the Data Trust, and paint the exposed edges... blending fun for the win!
Another lesson was that the pre-painted MDF surfaces are a bit tricksey when applying decals. Some of the decals came up when hit with sealing spray. Fortunately they laid back down with no problem and were saved. I had done a light coat of sealer prior to applying the decals but it seems like I'd have been better served with a bit more coverage and a light topcoat rather than a light base coat and a thorough top coat. More experiments with that in mind in future.
Moving on to the interior of the Stepped Tenement.
The interior appointments of the Tenements are very institutional... almost prison grade and very uniform. With that in mind I went with metal finished sinks and toilets while the bunks and electronic screens are white. All the beds are tidily made up in a very "inspection ready" way so I imagine the tenements have rigorously enforced rules instead of high financial costs.
The screens... the smaller ones kind of look like bedside health monitors... not sure what to make of that in terms of placement... of course each room has a pair of bunks, a sink, a toilet, a large screen and a small screen... but no privacy screen for the toilet... I'll be fitting all that together over the next few days and we'll see how it turns out.
A WiP shot of the Concrete Walls being assembled. the blue masking tape is protecting the shiny broken glass wall caps from the dead flat topcoat that the rest of the structure was getting.
Graffiti is a mix of freehand, decals, and photographic elements. The decals are from the Urban decal sets 1 and 2 from Antenociti's Workshop.
Back to the desk!
Data Trust, Concrete Walls, and Metro 378 plus Stepped Tenement interior details WiP. More "Made for Infinity" but used for everything MDF!
by Swelter | Apr 3, 2020