As I mentioned in yesterday's army review, I have 536 painted Praetorians.
That's an important distinction.
What about the unpainted ones?
There are a fair few of those as well.
First up, the thirty unpainted models to join up with the Sudan campaign inspired squads to make the full 55 strong platoon.
This is the rest of them.
Now, there are six complete but have no space available in the full army yet. Wait, that actually makes 542 painted models!!!
As can be seen, there is a big mismatch in what is left over, mainly due to the random nature of what I've picked up in job lot auctions and so on.
Lots of heavy weapons but a shortage of basic troopers.
With what is available, I can make up the bare bones of another platoon consisting of a Command and two Infantry squads.
Now, I am tempted to go for a Highland scheme with these but going for tartan trews rather than kilts.
How to increase the size of the platoon without making further purchases?
Plans are afoot:
1. I can look at freeing up basic trooper models from the painted ranks by subbing in Heavy Weapon troopers. The obvious ones are the Lascannon and Mortar aimers. These are the best ones to add to Command and Infantry squads as the Vox operators
2. I have five Armoured Fist squads that have no heavy weapons. My fluff reasoning there is that the squads are meant for rapid strikes and their transport is packing their heavy fire support. I can add spare Heavy Bolters and Lascannons to them.
3. Command Squads could receive a heavy weapon.
I'll see how things go but first things first is to get the remainder of the latest Platoon painted up. That's a couple weeks away, I'll show what I'm catching up with first in a post later this week.
Praetorian Imperial Guard – The Way Ahead
by Ady | Apr 14, 2020