I started lockdown in a really productive mood. I was posting on here more or less daily and I churned out a ridiculous amount of progress in a short space of time. I think I might have burned myself out a little though, as
I've entered a bit of a slump for the last few weeks

So I've spent a bit of time focusing on other, non hobby-related things and now I've made a return.

Inspired by the GW online preview revealing Saul Tarvitz, I've started working on something I've wanted to do for a while now: 30k Emperor’s Children! 

I've always loved the IIIrd Legion, both before and after the Heresy. I've got a massive 40k force of them and I've always meant to do a 30k version to accompany them.one thing that's always bothered me though is how 'normal' most 30k EC forces end up looking. They went off the rails really, really quickly and were well on their way to resembling their 40k counterparts by even the mid point of the Heresy!

I get that part of the appeal of Horus Heresy gaming is representing Legions before their decline, but that wasn't for me. I've always said that if/when I did my 30k Emperor’s Children force, it would represent them in their full blown crazy phase. I've just never really gotten around to making it a reality until now. 

Well now I've got a lot of free time to kill, I figured I should really give it a go. 

After a couple of hours rummaging through bits boxes, I had my first squad built:

I had so many odds and ends laying about that it was pretty easy to knock something together. The trick was balancing the 30k and 40k elements so they wouldn't look totally out of place on an Age of Darkness battlefield

The main rule which I set myself was No Mutations. I wanted them to look horrific, but mutations really belong in the Scouring and beyond, after they've spent some time in the Eye of Terror. 

After that it was time to get some paint on them. I picked three to do as test models:

These took absolutely ages to finish, but I've got the process down now so the rest should be a bit quicker to do. I'm really happy with how they turned out though and I can't wait to crack on with the rest of the army. I reckon it'll look fantastic and really striking when it's done.

The only thing that's bugging me right now is that I can't get hold of the transfers I want I order to finish them off, due to the Forge World website still being closed. I'll just have to be patient, which tbh isn't my strong point. 

Oh and in case you're wondering, I haven't forgotten about my Inquisition project, I'm just waiting for some hobby supplies to arrive before I get on with it. I'll post it up when those arrive!