The current state of the Undertown Table. 

I've mislaid the LED lights so am skipping them for now as they will be an easy retrofit. The Data Trust is not pictured here as its currently getting the interior resins done.

 This is for Sci-Fi settings like Infinity (Its actually a Made for Infinity Line from Antenocitis' Workshop ) Warpath, Deadzone, Cyberpunk, etc... It'll, of course, work for the Grimdark of 40K, Kill Squad, and Inquisitor as well... with a few Gothic doodads added to represent the presence of the Imperium... ya know like confession booths or an incongruously ornate religious structure... maybe a big old statue of some Imperial saint or space marine.... that sort of buisiness.

 Since all the buildings have playable interiors there is a lot of flexibility between war games and RPGs.

I'm actually thinking about running a game based around the Death High series of miniatures from Kingdom Death. which are cool contemporary and near future themes that would be at home in any High School Supernatural, Horror, or Martial Arts romantic comedy... probably great characters for Vampire the Masquerade as well.
 I'm separating the terrain out by genre to see what is ready for play... the Undertown is in pretty good shape, the Forward Base needs a lot of work and the Post Apocalypse segment is just getting started.
 Speaking of the Post Apocalypse setting... here are a couple more wrecked vehicles, some recycling bins, and some very weathered payphones...
 Lots of weathering opportunities here... the recycle bins where painted Lemon Yellow (Reaper) over white primer, washed with Yellow Snow (Secret Weapon), and lined with Flesh Wash (Secret Weapon) lettering by Sharpie.

The Cars were both primered with Rustoleum Almond White and brushed up with Solid White (Craftsmart) weathering was accomplished with the Rust Series... Brown, Red, and Yellow (Secret Weapon) Silver (Vallejo) and Medium Earth and Orange Rust weathering powders (Forge World).
 Lining by Sharpie.  Window Glass Silver (Vallejo) base thin Armor Wash(Secret Weapon) Stormcloud (Secret Weapon) re-brush with silver. A lot of the rust here is intended to represent shotgun impacts but I really should be using references for those...

The Hood of the car on its side was unstable in the semi-open position so I propped it open with some cut down toothpicks... you can just see one here.
 The cars here are from Antenocitis' Workshops as are the bins and payphones.

The Payphones are heavily weathered using a stippling technique.  Brown Rust (Secret Weapon) stippled over Black Primer (Krylon Camoflage Black) Tropical Blue (Reaper) stippled over that wash with Armour Wash (Secret Weapon) stipple and dry-brush Silver (Vallejo).

Most of my immediate effort will be directed at the interior resins of the Data Trust... which will finish off the currently constructed Undertown building interiors save for LEDs.  I may sidestep into a couple of Post Apoc buildings next even though some Forward Base is already in the clean and prep queue... Squirrel!

Back to the desk!