Fun fact: 15 Genestealers can fit if they deploy with a Trygon. Well, it's not that fun if you are the one facing them, and there are two such groups, and nine Raveners.
It went poorly for the Guard.

100PL battle, Tyranids vs Imperial Guard with a Deathwatch Squad. Tyranids went first, and the Guard never found their footing. Not to mention the worst Overwatch rolling I have made in a long time. Even with the Strategy card that lets me hit on a 5+.
It just wasn't the Cadian's day. Mrs. Blackheart made some great chrage rolls and the 'Nids were disregarding Social Distancing in no time.

'Stealers aren't that good against tanks anymore, but if they can arrive in close combat with 10+ models...that's a lot of dice, and usually enough sixes to do some damage.

The Swarmlord didn't take a scratch on her way into my tanks. Deathwatch killed everything they shot at, but were only one squad and a Gunship, and it was not enough.
We were playing with Tactical Objectives, and at the end of turn three it was Tyranids:7 Guard:0.
Even though I lost bad, it was a fast, fun game. Next time I will manage my deployment better...

The Hive Mind Hungers
This Was a Good Snack Though