We’ve all been home for weeks or months and I’m starting to run out of shows on Netflix. I’m tired of just consuming content – I also want to create things.

Lucky for me I stumbled onto a new miniatures game called Marvel Crisis Protocol last summer at Gen Con.

What is Marvel Crisis Protocol

Marvel Crisis Protocol is a skirmish-level game which I’ve really been enjoying for the past year or so. Games like Batman and Monsterpocalypse are both skirmish-level games. The other type of game I typically play are army-level games like Warhammer 40,000.

I’ve played 40k for decades and love it – however painting entire armies takes months or even years. And the games themselves also last a really long time – usually 2-3 hours. One of my least favorite things is when you have a bad match-up in 40k. It’s usually a few hours of getting your butt kicked and that’s typically the only game you can fit in that night.

On the other hand, games like Marvel Crisis Protocol can be played in about an hour. So if you have a bad matchup you will lose in an hour and then you can try another mission, team, board, or whatever and get another chance to have a good time.

MCP Spaghetti Challenge

One of the challenging things about these hobbies is painting the sheer number of miniatures before you lose motivation. It’s very easy to paint 10-20 minis, but then I lose steam and leave the other minis I purchased bare plastic which you never want to do. 😞

So, to make sure I finish an entire force I’m going to inspire and reward myself by rewatching the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in the Spaghetti order. However, before I watch each movie I have to paint a miniature from Marvel Crisis Protocol (MCP).

But before I do let me share my goals with you:

  • Watch all of the movies
  • Paint at least one MCP miniatures per movie
  • Paint a mini representative for the movie
  • Avoid purchasing extra minis if I have available minis that would apply to the same movie
  • Avoid painting miniatures with multiple sculpts. Ex. Black Widow

Here’s the Spaghetti Order and a miniature for each movie.

#ImageMovieModelPrice (MSRP)
1Iron ManIron Man (2008)Iron Man$100 (core box)
2HulkThe Incredible Hulk (2008)Hulk$35
3Black WidowIron Man 2 (2010)Black Widow
4ThorThor (2011)Thor$40
5Red SkullCaptain America: The First Avenger (2011)Red Skull
6HawkeyeThe Avengers (2012)Hawkeye$35
7Iron Man 3 (2013)??
8LokiThor: The Dark World (2013)Loki$40
9GrootGuardians of the Galaxy (2014)Groot$40
10RocketGuardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)Rocket
11Captain AmericaCaptain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)Captain America
12UltronAvengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Ultron
13Ant-Man (2015)Ant-Man
14Baron ZemoCaptain America: Civil War (2016)Baron Zemo
15Spider-manSpider-Man: Homecoming (2017)Spider Man
16KillmongerBlack Panther (2018)Killmonger$35
17Doctor StrangeDoctor Strange (2016)Doctor Strange$40
18HelaThor: Ragnarok (2017)Hela
19Black PantherAvengers: Infinity War (2018)Black Panther
20Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)Wasp
21Captain MarvelCaptain Marvel (2019)Captain Marvel
22ValkyrieAvengers: Endgame (2019)Valkyrie
23Spider-Man: Far from Home??

The total comes to $365.00.

By the end of the movies I should have painted 21 miniatures and I’ll have 4 (Doctor Octopus, Crossbones, Wong, and an alternate sculpt for Black Widow) still unpainted.


A few of the models haven’t been released yet. I’m hoping these models will come out by the time their movie does.

  • Hawkeye – ETA Q3 2020
  • Doctor Strange – ETA Q3 2020
  • Ant Man & Wasp have been teased but not officially announced
  • Valkyrie doesn’t seem iconic for Avengers: Endgame… I might have to go with Thanos

If these models haven’t come out yet I’ll point one of the other unpainted miniatures or scenery.


I hope I can paint all of these gorgeous miniatures, rewatch the movies, and have a great time.

And by the time this pandemic is (hopefully 🤞) winding down I should have a mostly complete game that I can play.

The post MCP Spaghetti Challenge appeared first on Patricks 40k Hobby.