It's good to be back behind my keyboard again outside of my day job. It has been hard to find motivation to create something, and a global pandemic certainly hasn't helped. Rather than force myself to write complete rubbish, I've taken a bit of a break, deciding that, when the time was right, to pick up writing for fun again.

Thankfully, now is that time. I plan to slowly get back into the swing of blogging, starting with today's post; a fun, easy way to paint Ork flyers. I've painted up a set of Aeronautica Imperialis Ork flyers for this tutorial, but this tutorial for Bad Moons will (probably) scale up to full 40k-scale with no issues. At this larger scale you may wish to do more highlighting.

First off, the yellow. After priming in Grey Seer (or your chosen white/off white primer), add a few coats of Lamenter's Yellow. For a good, strong base I added 4 shades, but feel free to use less if you want a paler yellow, or more for something more intense. Highlight with Yriel Yellow and Corax White, a 50/50 mix. 

Once dry, pick our your metallic. I used Leadbelcher and Warplock Bronze, washed with Nuln oil and Agrax Earthshade respectively.

Next up, it's the black sections. Given that they are Ork planes, there's no need to make sure the patterns are the same on each plane. Pick out random panels, add checkers, flames and whatever you like, suing Abbadon Black.

The windows are next. Fill in any glass areas with more Grey Seer...

And glaze with Guilliman blue.

The bombs on the underside where done with Corax White and a Nuln Oil wash. 

To finish off, and this is entirely optional, sponge on Rhinox Hide to create a chipping effect.

There we have it, nice and simple Ork flyers ready to take to the skies. Feel free to comment if you have a go yourself!