Tau Air Caste

The Tau planes are the real gems of the second starter set with sleek beautiful lines.

I assembled them with a variety of weapons purely for modelling purposes: WYSIWIG isn't really an issue at this scale.

I used a grey contrast paint laid on fairly generously so it pooled in the middle of flat surfaces giving a mottled camo  appearance, rather like that used on  modern US Navy aircraft.

Imperial Navy Lightnings

I must admit the Voss pattern Lightnings do look quite neat when painted. I had a bit of a downer on these when I opened the box but, okay, maybe I was a bit harsh.

Imperial Navy Ground Support Wing

The Marauder straffers and Valkyrie 'mud movers' are camo'd for flying low over the desert. The Lightnings are more dual purpose ground-strike and ground-strike escort so I gave them a more multipurpose biscuit-coloured camo.

Imperial Navy Strategic Wing

These are my high altitude strike force of Marauder bombers and Thunderbolt air superiority escorts. I envisage them dropping from spacecraft in low orbit to penetrate deep into enemy territory to hit strategic targets.

Da Orky Flyboyz

My homage to Deff Squadron, da Orkiest, shootiest flyboyz in da whole galaxy. They use an eclectic mix of single seater and two seater shooty planes and a giant heavy boma.

And that's all folks, until the next set of releases.