Hello Titanseers, and all, welcome, thanks for dropping by. The Reaver build continues, whilst the Rites of Construction continue with the main torso and legs, more of that in the next post - so the time whilst JB Weld epoxy resin and clamps were setting and drying, I used the time wisely to progress some of the painting detail work and the fiddly bits.
I love all the details - they bring the models alive, so the Command Deck within the Head Unit is packed full of dials and details. I painted the approaching enemy Titan on the viewscreen with a warning triangle, I can imagine klaxons alarming!
The Head Unit is one piece with four hoses, I roughened the surfaces to glue and applied superglue to these as no structural weight is on these hoses. Epoxy Resin bonder is a bit over the top for hoses. The lenses were painted Stormhost Silver and then FW Clear Paints applied over them. These are deliberately bright as once the armoured cowling and Plexiglass is in place, they need to stand out.
My other Reaver has a crew in royal purple, so I continued the theme with this crew, Shyish Purple Contrast over Ulthuan Grey. The trousers were Ushabti Bone washed with Sepia. The skin Cadian Fleshtone and Reikland Fleshshade.
The seat cushions were given a coat of Khorne Red washed Nuln Oil, and the Eagle Aquila Ulthuan Grey washed with blue glaze.
The Princeps in his Command Throne awaiting the Moderati!
The crew now manned their Stations and ready for battle (once their Engine is completed).
A lot of work inside the head, however I will rarely actually get to see it but I know its done, just like the inside of the Torso.
The Head Armoured Cowling, with Plexiglass eye lenses, these were a tricky beast to cut and shape, however I finally sealed them in place and clamped whilst the PVA glue dried. I used spot drops of Super Glue but the predominant glue was PVA to prevent any gassing off and frosting.
The yellow was Army Painter Demonic Yellow over a white undercoat. Then 4 coats of FW Sigsmund Clear Yellow and in the recesses some Averland Sunset over the Demonic Yellow, giving more depth.
The trim was Vallejo Brass and washed Reikland Fleshshade, I lined the gold with a thin line of Black Ink to give definition.
The Princeps and Moderati of Legio Astorum Reaver Titan are ready to Walk! (Just need the Titan now...) Some great progress made and I am continuing with the main body - Heraldry and a Name for this Engine next!

Cheers, Siph.