For my "Paint An Inquisitor in August Challenge" (a.k.a. The 2020 Inquisitional Conclave) I decided to just go with my oldest Inquisitor. I wrote a bit about this chap back in July of 2020 along with my other Inquisitor models. It's been three decades and finally his wait is over.

The first thing to do was retire his old base and move up to 40mm one. The superglue bonding him together was about 25 years old now and brittle so it took hardly any effort to disassemble him.

After a few minutes I was able to hack a slot into a 40mm base. He not only fit fine, but already this old terminator model looks so much better on the bigger base. It's almost like maybe GW should have always had these bigger bases.

The bigger base.
I added a Plaguebarer skull to the base. After all he is a daemon hunter, perhaps he's on the prowl for more to incinerate?

Plaguebearer skull in the grit.
I used the old slotta tab from one of the old plague marines* in the background along with the piece I sliced out of the 40mm base when I made the slot, to make some rubble. Crude but effective. After those were glued down I added the grit using Elmer's glue thinned with water.

Rubble rubble.
That's it for now. It's been way too humid outside from all the storms and rain to even try to prime this model right now, so I will have to wait for the right opportunity. Until then, up he goes to some place secure, as this is a lead miniature and I can't have it where little hands might grab it...

* That's a post I have yet to finish writing, but soon enough...