The first squad is complete with most of the work being competed through the use of Contrast paints. The exception is the Leadbelcher used on some of the detailing and the masks.

I've quite enjoyed throwing these together with a trot through my bits box.

I enjoyed it so much, I've started squad number two after the arrival of some Catachan infantry legs.
This squad has two special weapons so far as I realised I didn't build one for the first ten so there will some mix and match of the models once all ten of the second run are complete.

The flamer is one of the Les Grognard bits.

The beginnings of an Icon Bearer courtesy of a Cadian standard arm with some cutting and the gluing on of a spare staff from one of the Blackstone Fortress Renegade Psykers. The rifle is a Les Grognard weapon with the bayonet removed.