This vacation has really not been about hobby time. Instead all my time has been spent digging in the garden and barbecuing. So that means I do not have that much to show, as I really have not done anything new. But I will show you the assembled Triumph of Saint Katherine. All parts have been shown individually but here they are all together.

This is my fist "diorama-type" model from GW that I paint and I must say as a collector that I really like these types of models, so I will have to get me some more. All in all it was a nice model to paint and I was easy to do it in parts and then assemble it all at the end. Compared to the box art I have used a darker palette with less white and a deeper crimson. That combined with the bird of prey wings on the cherubs make it a bit darker. I am happy with the result. Next up for the sisters will be a penitent engine...  just need to finish it up with some green stuff.

I have also finished of two more Armigers for the Northern Knights... but that will be a separate post as I need to spread out my results until I can pick up the pace again.