Hello All, thanks for dropping by. This week's offerings is a (old marines / True / Firstborn) Space Marine's Chaplain on a Bike, a really old kit and a present from Lord Halfpenny a few years ago - well with the release of the Primaris Chaplain on Bike I thought it was overdue and time to get my own Chaplain on Bike finished before I think about getting another!
The pose of the rider is an odd one, almost like he is standing in his 'stirrups' orating litanies to the surrounding Marines, he is sat bolt upright, standing on tip toes, unless you are meant to hammer him into a sitting position, I like the idea of standing up.
 Along with the metal kit, book, Chaplain and front Smoke Launcher, I added a Ravenwing Bike with scrollwork on the front mudguard and raked exhausts. The basic bike pennant serves well in this case, so a small Chaplain pennant, and a suitable Chaos Space Marine left Pauldron and Power Pack - after all, they are Relictors!
The base was a resin one bought on eBay, I like the thinner bases to the oval ones, it will match my Bike Squads.  The resin slate was painted black and then drybrushed Eshin Grey and a little Dawnstone before a Contrast coat of Magos Purple to look slate-like, then drybrushed lightly with my usual base colours to blend in and look dusty - Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone.
The front Armour Plate with the Bolters is also from a Chaos SM Bike I think. I like to differentiate my Sergeants and Characters from the basic bike. Sergeants get the winged fairings, I think his original metal fairing went to a Biker Sergeant a few years ago!
And as much as I hate painting faces, I am quite pleased that this Chaplain's features and eyes came out quite tidy. For the Emperor!

###EDIT### I revisited the Purity Seals as per Dave's comment - more scripture and litanies :)
How's that Dave? :)

Cheers, Siph (10pts)