A few months ago when the whole world went into lockdown I needed a new hobby. I decided to paint Marvel Crisis Protocol miniatures (and rewatch the MCU while I do it).

And while this has been great I haven’t actually been able to play the game and it looks like so much fun! So I decided to fix this and I found a Discord server where people are looking to discuss & play games. There’s an amazing (& free) Tabletop Simulator mod you can install and play.

My First Game

UtilityCookie was kind enough to show me the ropes. Both the TTS mod & the rules of the game which I was mostly but not entirely familiar with.

We played:

  • 🟥 Fear Grips World as “Worthy” Terrorize Cities
  • 🟦 Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians

My Team

  • Thor
  • Loki
  • Valkyrie
  • Hawkeye
  • Rocket Raccoon 

His Team

  • Dr. Strange
  • Thor
  • Hawkeye
  • Valkyrie
  • Wong
Marvel Crisis Protocol on Table Top Simulator
Marvel Crisis Protocol on Table Top Simulator

The Game

Once we had everything setup it was time to play. I moved Thor & Loki up the left hand side hoping to shut down the opposing Thor. Unfortunately my opponent had priority so on turn 2 his Thor went first and with a bit of luck dazed my Thor and mostly took out Loki too.

Since my opponent kept priority on the next turn he played All You’ve Got and KO’d my Thor without be being able to attack a single time.

On the other side of the field it was Hawkeye on Hawkeye. And with a bit of luck and me firing before his Hawkeye on turn 1 I dazed his Hawkeye and on turn 2 I KOd him. Definitely had a bit of luck but also was able to take advantage of an energy attack on a model with only 2 energy defense.

So on the right side of the board I was doing great. On the left side of the board I was doing terribly. Up the middle was Dr. Strange & Wong. I used Rocket & Valkyrie & later Hawkeye on them. Dr. Strange took up a lot of fire power and then just used that power to heal himself. 🤯

Ending the Game

Once Thor & Loki were KOd and Dr. Strange held his own it became clear I couldn’t win. We called the game at the end of turn 3.

What I Learned

1) I learned how important priority can be. If you have a character who can take out another character then going first can be really important.

2) I saw the damage Thor can do. Especially getting just a bit of luck rolling wilds. And it’s not just to 1 character. It’s to multiple characters. So don’t fight Thor with two characters who are close together!

3) The dice spike in this game. You can’t have a perfect plan you have to react to the dice.

4) All You’ve Got is amazingly powerful.

5) Dr. Strange can absorb a lot of firepower. Plinking him for 1-3 damage a turn won’t wear him down since he can heal.

6) Tabletop Simulator is amazing. But it can’t be as efficient as real life. These games take ~2 hours and I think they’d be closer to 1.5 hours in real life. So I can’t wait to continue practicing on TTS and eventually when this pandemic is over play more efficient games in person.

This was my very first game so there’s still a lot to learn. I have my first league game tonight. I can’t wait to see if I’ve actually absorbed any useful knowledge. I want to at least give my opponent a good run for their money.

The post First Game of Marvel Crisis Protocol appeared first on Patricks 40k Hobby.